Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Saint-Gobain buys back 0.5% of its capital

France“s Saint-Gobain bought back over 1.86 million of its own shares for over EUR 70 million (USD 85.9 million) in August 2004, according to the average price of the shares during the month, it was …

France“s Saint-Gobain bought back over 1.86 million of its own shares for over EUR 70 million (USD 85.9 million) in August 2004, according to the average price of the shares during the month, it was reported on 13 September 2004. The bought-back shares were equivalent to 0.54% of the company“s capital. The company bought back 578,000 shares in July 2004, under its share buyback programme. Saint Gobain is listed on the Premier Marche of Euronext Paris and also on the stock exchanges in London, Frankfurt, Zurich, Brussels and Amsterdam.

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