Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Gerresheimer upgrades injection vial production worldwide

Gerresheimer’s roll-out at the converting plants in the US is complete, with its other vial converting plants to follow soon.

The multi-year project was initiated in 2013 and the roll-out started in 2014. The company aims to provide customers with substantially improved injection vials that meet the highest quality standards. Uniform technology in machines, as well as controls and inspection systems at their converting plants worldwide ensure high quality vials for all customers, independent of the plant they source from. So far the project has been a huge success with the new and upgraded machines producing both dimensional and cosmetic results that far exceed the industry standard. According to company representatives, customer feedback has been very positive.
Two types of forming machines are being rolled out. One of them was developed by Gerresheimer and built by a partner for the converting plants. The second type of machine was sourced from a European manufacturer. All the Gerresheimer converting plants producing vials will be equipped with these two machine types, as well as the necessary standardized control, inspection, and packaging technology. These three technologies are Gx® G3, Gx® Rhoc and Gx® Thor. They were developed by Gerresheimer and are part of a control system offering highest accuracy and state-of-the art quality assurance.
The Gerresheimer plant in Morganton, North Carolina/USA, is the centre of excellence for vials in the Gerresheimer Group. The roll-out of the new vial machines and quality systems began in Morganton in 2014 and is now complete, as is the roll-out at the plant in Forest Grove/Vineland, New Jersey/USA. The US plants are the role models for the remaining roll-out program. All training of the international workforce on the new machines and quality systems is taking place in the US. The plant in Queretaro, Mexico will have completed the roll-out in a few months’ time. The company has invested an amount of double-digit million dollars in the program for North America alone.
Next on the schedule is the plant in Boleslawiec in Poland. In Kosamba, India, it is currently building a brand new converting plant and says it will be installing the latest machine and quality technologies there. Plants in China will follow soon.
The current focus is on completion of the roll-out and delivering worldwide state-of-the- art vials in the very highest quality that optimally reflect customers’ needs.

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