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Guardian Student Design Challenge 2016 Winners announced

The prize winners of the Guardian Student Design Challenge 2016 were announced at a press conference during glasstec in Düsseldorf, Germany last week.

Student designers were invited to create and develop interior application ideas for Guardian Clarity™ anti-reflective glass. 
The first prize of € 10,000 was awarded to Angelo Blythe and Anastasia Tasoula Kontzes for their design concept “Guardian Clarity Sightseeing Boat”. The second prize of € 5,000 was presented to Simon Seidl for his “Glass Partition” proposal. And the third prize of € 2,500 was won by Emanuel Etzersdorfer and Felix Stadie with their project “tme. Glass clock”.
The competition challenged design students to create and develop interior application ideas for Guardian Clarity anti-reflective glass for the living, working, cultural or leisure environment. The prize winners were selected by a jury panel of international experts based on the following criteria: level of innovation, functionality, use of Guardian Clarity glass, aesthetic appeal, user value and realization potential. The jury’s feedback notes stated: “The winning entry makes excellent use of Clarity’s anti-reflective performance, delivering genuine benefits for the passengers of the sightseeing boat. The professional presentation clearly shows that designers Angelo Blythe and Anastasia Tasoula Kontzes worked hard to gain a real understanding and appreciation of the glass performance. As a runner-up, the partition wall offers an excellent combination of invisibility and function. Living spaces are becoming smaller and more confined, so this solution is both practical and visibly unimposing. A great concept for the use of Clarity at home. And the glass clock concept is a well thought-through concept combining different levels of reflectivity of glass to come up with a novel way of showing time in a unique style.”
The jury members for the Guardian Student Design Challenge 2016 consisted of Andreas Meyer (Scholl glass GmbH, Germany), Emily Martin (FX Magazine, U.K.) and Arch. Giovanna Latis (Studio d’Architettura aMDL, Italy). Guardian Glass jury members included András Kovács (Product Manager) and Dimosthenis Liouris (Technical Advisory Center manager).
Arch. Giovanna Latis commented: “Competitions always offer a great occasion to experiment with new ideas. This time the use of glass as a binding element in architecture and product design has resulted in interesting solutions where glass provides added functionality and is not only used as a barrier against the weather. The participants have enhanced the flexibility of glass as a material with many personalities.”
Mr. Andreas Meyer said: “It was fascinating to see the wide range of different proposals – some very realistic and practical, others more futuristic and inventive.” He added: “I have enjoyed reviewing these creative projects. My best wishes for the future to all the students who have worked on this challenge. I hope they will continue their personal development in the glass business to help create the future.”
For more information please visit www.guardianglasstec.com.

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