
Russian Federation: flat glass market overview – March 2020

In March 2020, in the Russian Federation were produced 19.1 million m2 of flat glass, 6.0 percent more than in February 2020

We received from StekloSouz the following press release.

In March 2020, in the Russian Federation were produced 19.1 million m2 of flat glass, 6.0 percent more than in February 2020. LLC “AGC Flat Glass Wedge”, JSC “Salavatsteklo” and LLC “Guardian Glass Rostov” are the leaders, producing 44.1 percent of all flat glass in the Russian Federation.

Since the beginning of 2020, a significant increase in production has been observed at

  • LLC “AGC BSZ”, from 1.8 million m2 to 5.3 million m2, a 50.8 percent increase),
  • LLC “AGC Flat Glass Wedge increased its production by 0.8 million m2, + 8.0 percent, up to 11.5 million m2
  • and OJSC KZLS, with 0.7 million m2 more glass produced, + 16.4 percent, up to 4.7 million m2

The largest reduction in production since the beginning of 2020 occurred at Salavatsteklo JSC (-0.7 million m2, 8.4 percent reduction) down to 7.2 million m2 and Trakya Glass Rus CJSC (-0.6 million m2, a 10.4 percent reduction) down to 5.1 million m2.

Methodological notes:

Safety sheet glass is divided into Tempered glass (“Stalinite”) and Laminated glass (“Triplex”). In retail sales, the prices for toughened glass and triplex are approximately the same; moreover, the FSGS provides only prices for “safe flat glass”, which were calculated based on sales of building materials and sales.

All glass produced by the float method is assumed to be flat glass (it involves production by interaction of primary raw materials (charge) with molten tin). Flat glass producer prices were calculated based on sales of building materials and sales.

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