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O-I and Revino roll out returnable, reusable glass wine bottles

O-I Packaging Solutions (O-IPS), along with Revino, announce the introduction of returnable, reusable glass wine bottles to advance the sustainability of wine packaging, first rolling out in Oregon and extending soon to the west coast of the USA.

O-I Packaging Solutions is a specialty team born from O-I, dedicated to helping smaller and emerging brands put their inspired products into inspiring packaging. O-IPS will locally produce more than 2.4 million reusable glass wine bottles as part of Revino’s return system. Revino was founded to revive the reusable glass bottle ecosystem for beverage producers and consumers.

A 2020 study by Zero Waste Europe identified reusable packaging as the most environmentally friendly option. Revino with its end-to-end returnable glass bottle reuse system, built for the wine industry, seeks to create a more conscious mindset that encourages wineries and consumers to invest in more durable, and long-lasting, packaging for wine that will endure multiple use cycles.

On average, a reusable glass bottle can be reused 25 to 50 times before being retired and recycled into new glass packaging.

By providing a closed loop system that keeps bottles in circulation, Revino will support the wine industry’s drive towards lower emissions, reduce reliance on imported glass, and drive a more circular and sustainable model.

More than 70 wineries have joined in with Revino’s mission since the company’s inception. As part of the program, Revino will deliver reusable glass bottles to participating wineries, which will be filled using standard bottling equipment. Wine in Revino bottles will be available beginning in the summer of 2024.

Once empty, the reusable bottles can be returned to the winery it was purchased at, or any partner locations, including all participating winery tasting rooms, and select retailers and restaurants. Collected bottles will be brought back to Revino’s state-of-the-art bottle washing facility where bottles will be washed, inspected and tested to ensure they are ready to start the process again.

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