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Range of technical speaker content at FGIA Annual Conference

Speakers during the Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) 2025 Annual Conference will share technical expertise on a range of topics, including high-performance fenestration adoption, stretch energy codes in Massachusetts, impacts of Canadian code changes and the safe handling of hurricane resistant products. Join FGIA February 17 to 20 in Orlando, FL, by registering now.

Barriers to High-Performance Fenestration Adoption in Non-Residential and Multifamily Buildings and a Blueprint for Market Transformation with Helen Sanders (Technoform)
Participants in this session will walk away with an understanding of the many interlinked and complex barriers to the adoption of high-performance façades and fenestration in non-residential and multifamily buildings.

Impacts of Canadian Code Changes and Updated Standards | Canadian Building Code, CSA A440S1, CSA S520:22 with Robert Jutras (UL Laboratory Canada)
Sponsored by UL Laboratory Canada, this session will provide an in-depth understanding of the updated CSA A440S1, the Canadian Supplement to NAFS-22. Jutras will highlight key revisions and their implications for fenestration product performance requirements in Canada. Additionally, he will address proposed changes to the Canadian Building Code, set to take effect in the 2025 edition, with reference to structural wind load calculations as well as wind load considerations. Participants will gain an understanding of how these changes will affect CSA A440S1 and fenestration products and how this standard could impact the industry in Canada.

Backstop Calculations and Complexity | Building, Energy, Stretch Codes in Massachusetts with Christopher Grey (Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.)
Massachusetts codes are perhaps some of the most complex and perplexing of any in the U.S. because they include the three different versions of the 2023 Massachusetts Energy Code: a base code, a stretch code and a specialized version. Those attending this informative session will learn about the key differences and nuances in the three versions of energy codes and, specifically, how the differences relate to fenestration.

Safe Manufacturing of Hurricane Resistant Products with Todd Benedict (PGT Industries)
Sponsored by the FGIA Fenestration Safety Committee, this session will cover how to safely handle and assemble hurricane and impact-resistant products, as well as their importance.

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