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GGI hires new Senior Manager of Business Development

General Glass International is pleased to announce and welcome Devorah Serkin as the Senior Manager of Business Development.

Prior to joining GGI, Ms. Serkin spent three years at Dip-Tech, where she was first introduced to the custom and decorative glass industry. She most recently held the position of Relationship and Content Manager. Serkin has almost a decade of experience in relationship management and organizational development.
Serkin will be responsible for continuing to strengthen GGI’s position as a leading fabricator and supplier in the industry.
David Balik, President and CEO of GGI, said “We are very excited to welcome Devorah to the GGI family. She brings with her experience and knowledge that will help GGI continue to grow and prepare for the future.”
Serkin, who recently returned to New York after eight years in Israel, holds an MBA from Tel Aviv University, and a BA in History from Binghamton University.

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