Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

AirGlaz: Romag’s new anti-reflection glass

As the glass industry constantly innovate stronger, lighter, clearer glass technology, UK-based Romag has introduced AirGlaz: an exciting new type of glass with less than one per cent light reflection.

AirGlaz was developed for use anywhere where glare and reflection obstruct a person’s view. Museums, galleries, shop fronts and zoos would all benefit from glass with as little reflection as possible. Reflection obscures vision, especially in areas that receive a lot of sun exposure, such as shop fronts on busy high streets and zoos with large outside exhibitions.
The AirGlaz design incorporates low-iron float glass with advanced magnetron sputter coatings to produce its uniquely clear yet unreflective properties. It boasts 97 per cent light transmission, which is impressive when compared to the 90 per cent transmission of typical float glass. AirGlaz also has less than one per cent reflection, which is very impressive when compared with the eight per cent reflection of typical float glass.
The higher light transmission and lower reflection produce a display glass far superior to typical float glass. But the glass has another innovative feature: any reflection that is caught by the glass is on the dark blue end of the light spectrum instead of pink. This reduces visual distortion even more, maximising clarity and reducing reflection.
Each business is unique, with its own glass requirements. As such, Romag has gone to a lot of effort to ensure that AirGlaz is customisable. The AirGlaz coating can be applied to the outside and inside of glass structures and can manufactured alongside many other processes such as curves and shapes, low-e and solar control layers, toughening, and lamination to LPS 1270 and BS EN 356 standards which is suitable for showcase display for jewellery or high end technology, or for zoo enclosures.
More options can be expected as Romag experiment with their impressive new technology. You can find out more about AirGlaz and other glass products on Romag’s website

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