Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

GlassBuild 2015: Another success

NGAWDDA, with show partners AAMA, GANA, and IGMA, and official vendors, are delighted with the results of this years exhibition, and have thanked exhibitors and visitors for their support and participation in GlassBuild America 2015.

They have reported over 7600 visitors and are already planning for 2016 in Las Vegas and beyond.
2015 Final Show Statistics include:
  • International Registrants: 1428
Guest Passes Used: 2547
  • Total NSF of Exhibit Space: 141,560
Exhibiting Companies: 420
  • First Time Companies: 96
  • International Companies: 189 (from 20 countries)
Innovative Product Exhibitors: 50
Participants will receive an email offering the chance to provide valuable feedback on GlassBuild America 2015. “We appreciate the commitment your company makes to your industry’s trade event, and if you have any questions or comments, please contact us,” said organisers.
GlassBuild 2016 is scheduled for Las Vegas, and more information will be available on the event website.

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