Flat glass prices fell 0.6% in February, following a slight 0.1% decrease in January and a spike of 1.8% in December, according to the latest Producer Price Index Report (PPI) issued by the US Labor Department.
The PPI program measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The prices included in the PPI are from the first commercial transaction for many products and some services.
The flat glass index sits at 122.4, and prices are up 1.9% from February 2014.
In another report, import prices for glass and glassware remained stagnant after a 0.2% dip in January and a 0.1% decrease in December. Import prices are down 0.9% from a year ago.
Export prices for glass and glassware also remained flat last month following a 0.9% jump over the two months prior. Export prices for glass and glassware are up 1.6% from this time last year.
Prices of materials for construction saw a decrease of 0.3% after increasing 0.1% in January and decreasing by the same amount in December. Prices in that category are up 1.6% from February 2014. Final demand for construction rose slightly by 0.1% in February, coming off a 0.4% increase the month before. Those prices are up 2% from a year ago.
On the whole, the PPI for final demand fell 0.5% in February, seasonally adjusted, after a 0.8% dip in January and a 0.2% decrease in December. On an unadjusted basis, the index for final demand decreased 0.6% for the 12 months ended in February.
Overall prices for US imports increased 0.4% following a decline of 3.1% in January and a 2.5% dip in December. Export prices dipped 0.1% in February, after a 1.9% drop in January.