Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

GPD Finland 2015: plans ongoing

GPD Finland 2015 will be taking place 24-26 June 2015 and will include, as usual, an exhibition designed to cater for the commercial needs of the conference participants.
This year, the conference will be remodelled and new interactive elements will be utilized at the event.

Plans for GPD Finland 2015 are proceeding and the first version of the conference program is expected to be released soon. Those who still wish to submit an abstract are requested to do so by the end of this month – January 2015.
If interested in organizing a workshop, proposals should be sent to Brown Onduso (brown.onduso@gpd.fi).
As usual, GPD Finland will include an exhibition held alongside the conference from 24-26 June 2015. The exhibition is designed to cater for the commercial needs of the conference participants.
In 2015, the conference will be remodelled and new interactive elements will be utilized at the event. The interactivity of presentations and speeches will be increased, and panel discussions, round table dialogues, polls and message boards introduced alongside them. More time will be dedicated to one-on-one meetings, exchange of information and creating new contacts.
The main themes of the GPD Finland 2015 Conference will be built around the subject areas “Business – Innovation – Design”.
The will offer all participants the Meeting Manager service, an electronic system that will enable participants to reserve meeting times with each other well in advance of the conference.
Registration carried out by 23 January will entitle participants to a lower registration fee of EUR 950.
For more information and registration, go to www.gpd.fi.

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