Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

PPG Directors Announce Quarterly Dividend

The board of directors of PPG Industries declared a regular quarterly dividend of 59 cents per share. This marks the company’s 456th consecutive dividend payment

The board of directors of PPG Industries (NYSE:PPG) declared a regular quarterly dividend of 59 cents per share, payable September 12 to shareholders of record August 10. This marks the company’s 456th consecutive dividend payment. PPG has paid uninterrupted annual dividends since 1899.

PPG Industries has also reported net sales for the second quarter 2012 of USD 4 billion. Net income for the quarter was USD 362 million, according to a press release. Glass segment sales were USD 273 million for the quarter, down USD 1 million from the prior year. According to company officials, higher flat glass volumes were offset by lower pricing and the negative impact of foreign currency translation.

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