Fabrizio Elia, managing director of the Linde Gas Group in Italy, part of The Linde Group, has been appointed to take charge of the European Mediterranean Region which, other than Italy, also includes…
Fabrizio Elia, managing director of the Linde Gas Group in Italy, part of The Linde Group, has been appointed to take charge of the European Mediterranean Region which, other than Italy, also includes Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. The Linde Group is the worldwide leader in Industrial Gas, Medicinal and plant engineering. Thanks to the acquisition of multinational companies AGA in 2000 and BOC in 2006, the Group now has a worldwide turnover of over EUR 13 billion, and about 60,000 employees in 100 countries around the world. Linde Gas, with activities in Italy since 1991, has, over the years, invested considerably and now has turnover of more than EUR 210 million. Linde produces and commercializes all types of gas such as oxygen, nitrogen, argon, acetylene and combined gas, up to sample and ultra-pure gases for both research and electronics. Linde also designs, develops and commercializes processes and plants of all sizes and dimensions for the application of technical gases in the most diverse industrial applications.