Toledo-based TECO Group, a world leader in glass plant projects, is pleased to unveil a brand new website.
The website has been re-worked to provide visitors with attractive, regularly updated content, developed and written for those interested in learning more about the TECO Group’s expertise and capabilities in glass furnace and batch plant design. The site features such items as an overview of furnace modelling, furnace specification and project execution, giving an insight into the result of the scientific capabilities of TECO combined with a working, practical knowledge of the worldwide glass industry.
Todd Seifried, President of TECO states “Our goal is flawless project execution and excellent process performance, a mantra we are proud to apply not only to every one of the projects we design and build for our clients, but also to internal projects such as developing and modernising the TECO Group website”.
As part of the TECO Group, Toledo Engineering, Tecoglas and KTG Systems can offer complete capabilities in batch plant and glass furnaces of all types, with KTG Engineering supporting this activity as glass plant equipment manufacturers. Zedtec are the TECO Group specialists in forehearth and working end technology. EAE Tech provide high quality industrial automation engineering services, custom control and power distribution systems. The TECO Group has been designing, building and modernising the world’s primary glass manufacturing industry since 1927.