Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Heraeus scales down investment plans in Heraeus Quarzglas

1 October 1998: Heraeus Holding GmbH (Hanau) of Germany has put plans to invest DM 100 million in Heraeus Quarzglas GmbH (Bitterfeld) in 1998 on hold.
Juergen Heraeus, chairman of the family-owned co…

1 October 1998: Heraeus Holding GmbH (Hanau) of Germany has put plans to invest DM 100 million in Heraeus Quarzglas GmbH (Bitterfeld) in 1998 on hold. Juergen Heraeus, chairman of the family-owned company, said the decision was the result of the “global decline in the semiconductor and chip industries, linked to the sharp drop in prices.” He added that many Heraeus customers had withdrawn their orders, and that the company would now be building just one additional plant for the manufacture of high-purity quartz glass at Bitterfeld, and not two as originally planned.

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