Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Colombia Glass 2017: today the event opens its doors

Colombia Glass will be held today and tomorrow (24-25 October) at the Sheraton Hotel in Bogotà

Colombia Glass, the business-to-business event dedicated to technologies and solutions for glass processing, will take place today and tomorrow in Bogotà.

Colombia Glass will be held today and tomorrow (24-25 October) at the Sheraton Hotel in Bogotà. More than 30 companies – leading suppliers of machinery and technological solutions – coming from Brazil, Cina, Colombia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Italy, Spain, US will be pleased to meet managers, technicians and other sector professionals from glassworks in Colombia.
At Colombia Glass the spotlight will be on technologies and equipment for the production and processing of hollow glass and flat glass. Areas of application: glass, building, beverage, automotive, pharmaceutical, cosmetics.
Today the event will also feature the following company workshop programme:
10.30: Welcome Speech – Daniel Rey, Director of Economic Studies at Camacol B&C
10.40: Evolution of Safety Glass Regulations (Vidplex)
11.00: Solutions and introduction to the production capacity control (Fenetech)
11.20: Smart storage, loading & cutting: this is where it all begins (Turomas)
11.40: A+W company presentation (A+W)
12.00: FDS Glass Corporation in the Latin American industry (FDS)
12.20: Envelopes as a contribution to energy efficiency on buildings, progress in processing solar control glass and specification factors (Vitelsa)
12.40: Performance and functionality in contemporary glass: how to correctly specify glass? (Vidplex)
14.30: Helping the glass industry with custom made tools that improve their process (Glass Service S.A.)
14.50: Creating value through innovation for the glass industry (Magneco Metrel)
15.10: All new “ONM”- Orifice and Needle Mixing. Combustion system for feeders (Glass Service srl)
16.00: IR and UV technology in the glass sector (Helios Quartz)
16.20: Photovoltaic, fire-resistant and other types of special glass: how to assess need, suitability or cost benefit? (Vidplex)
16.40: NorthGlass tempering furnace (NorthGlass)
17.00: Double glazing for glass transformers (Solvitec – Fenzi)
17.20: Digital glass printing (Solvitec – Tecglass)
17.40: System Glass presentation – the company and its solutions (System Glass)
Visiting is free of charge; visitor registration is also open during the event. If you are interested in attending Colombia Glass but you missed the on line pre-registration you can register directly on site at the event reception:
Hotel Sheraton Bogotà – Hall Santa Fe II and Santa Fe III
Calle 25 B Nº 69 C-80, Bogotà, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Tuesday,24  October, 10:00-18:00, Wednesday 25 October, 10:00-17:00
For more information see:

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