Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

The Glass Packaging Institute selects new president

Scott DeFife to head North America’s premier glass container industry association

The Glass Packaging Institute (GPI) announced the appointment of Scott DeFife, who will lead the association as its President beginning August 19th. The GPI Board of Trustees and its Executive Leadership team worked diligently to find the right fit for the organization and its members.

Scott will spearhead the association in a time of great opportunity, as the glass container industry continues to develop and sharpen its focus in the areas of marketing, advocacy, sustainability and other issues of importance to the glass container manufacturing industry.

Among Scott’s many accomplishments, he most recently served as Vice-President of Government Affairs for the Plastics Industry Association where he worked to advance the organization’s new sustainability advocacy work, including upgrading the U.S. domestic recycling infrastructure.

Prior to that, Scott led federal and state government affairs, as well as communications activity for the National Restaurant Association. He has also spent considerable time working for Congressional leaders, including advising House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer on economic, energy, environment and financial policy issues, as well as with state and local government organizations.

“Scott has a terrific mix of experience and expertise in the packaging, food and beverage and government arenas. His collaboration with industry stakeholders and policymakers will provide tremendous benefit to our member companies and the broader glass packaging industry,” said GPI Board of Trustees Chairman, Richard Crawford.

“I am honoured by the trust the GPI Board of Trustees has given me with this role, and am excited to represent this great industry, and its member companies. Glass has been recognized through history as one of the best packaging materials for many consumer products, and the glass packaging industry has a tremendous story to tell. There is incredible opportunity to help our member companies grow the industry in this era of increased attention to sustainable materials and manufacturing in a circular economy,” stated incoming President Scott DeFife.

The Board of Trustees also expresses the organization’s gratitude to Joseph Cattaneo, who assisted in the association’s executive search and governance over the past 11

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