The World Quality Day is designed to recognize the contributions of quality professionals across the globe. It was an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the AGC team and organization. More than 3500 staff members attended the event in no less than 12 locations.
A 2-hour timeslot, synchronized throughout Europe, from UK to Russia, up to Turkey & Morocco, was fixed to stop activities and gather all employees around a same objective: be part of the World Quality Day. A “Eurovision-type” communication was organized, sharing quotes and live-interviews of each local Manager with the other sites.
The event was preceded by a “quality coffee-morning”, during which all participants could build interesting relationship with colleagues. After a common set of slides about AGC Automotive Europe quality strategy and values, testimonials of customers about the key role and importance of quality were broadcasted to all participants. Each production site gave a “quality award” to a special project which contributed to product, process or service improvement. The Central offices rewarded the plant with the best performance, in live-ceremony.
This event was key for AGC Automotive Europe because even if each single individual in the company knows how much Quality matters as a key pillar of the company’s foundations, sharing this event as one team, one voice, one determination, reinforced all links necessary to make it happen.