
ICC7: Frontiers of Glass Science in Brazil

ICC7: Frontiers of Glass Science

The 7th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC7)will take place 17-21 June 2018, in Brazil.

The Brazilian Ceramic Society – ABCeram, on behalf of the International Ceramic Federation – ICF, will be hosting the 7th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC7), to be held 17-21 June 2018, in Foz do Iguaçu, State of Paraná, Brazil.
The ICC7 is an international, high-level platform, gathering the ceramics community (researchers, engineers, developers, students, manufacturers, etc.) to discuss the scientific progress in all R&D areas of conventional and modern synthesis, processing and applications of ceramics. It follows a sequence of successful ICCs: Toronto (Canada, 2006), Verona (Italy, 2008), Osaka (Japan, 2010), Chicago (USA, 2012), Beijing (China, 2014), and Dresden (Germany, 2016). The ICC7 is hosted by the Brazilian Ceramic Society on behalf of the International Ceramic Federation.
All submissions and invited talks should address open, relevant problems in the frontiers of glass science. Speakers are instructed to critically review and analyze the state-of-art and to point out to open, relevant problems in their respective subfields.
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