Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

VINCENT: new as before

After nearly 30 years, VINCENT has left the TYROLIT Group and returned to be an independent organizatio

Starting with May 2021 VINCENT has been restored as operative brand of the former Quartz Industries Division of the TYROLIT Group.

VINCENT is the name of the company founded in Thiene, Italy, in 1974 that was incorporated into the TYROLIT Group in 1994. Since then, TYROLIT and VINCENT brands have coexisted, giving life to one of the most important companies in the production and sale of industrial abrasives for the processing of Engineered and Natural Stone, Ceramic Tiles and Glass.

After nearly 30 years, VINCENT has left the TYROLIT Group and returned to be an independent organization. VINCENT is an authentic Italian excellence, capable of providing high quality products and services that meet the highest standards.

The VINCENT organization, which includes production sites in Italy and Asia, with sales presence in various European countries and in North and South America, currently has over 300 highly qualified resources and a commercial presence in over 70 countries, serving more than 1400 customers worldwide.

VINCENT will continue to serve its customers as before, except for the new logo now complemented by the “TOOLS FOR QUARTZ INDUSTRIES” tag line to emphasize its focus on those industries where quartz, the most abundant mineral in earth crust, is an essential component: Natural Stone, Engineered Stone, Ceramics Tiles and Glass.

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