Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Ardagh looking at US$1.9 billion financing

Ardagh Group has launched a bond offering for a total financing of approximately US$1.9 billion (US$/EUR), through the issue of US$700 million 6.000% Senior Notes due 2025, representing an add-on to the US$1,000 million 6.000% Senior Notes due 2025 issued on January 30, 2017, US$700 million Senior Secured Notes due 2022 and EUR500 million Senior Secured Notes due 2024, (collectively the “Notes”).

The proceeds from the issuance of the Notes, net of expenses, will be used to redeem in full the $415 million 6.750% Senior Notes due 2021, per the call schedule, redeem in full the US$265 million First Priority Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2019, per the call schedule, repay in full the US$663 million Term Loan B Facility, redeem EUR500 million of the 4.250% First Priority Senior Secured Notes due 2022 with a make-whole call and pay accrued interest and applicable redemption premia.
This release is for information purposes only and is not an offer to purchase, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase, any of the 6.750% Senior Notes due 2021, the US$265 million First Priority Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2019 or the 4.250% First Priority Senior Secured Notes due 2022.

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