Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Glass Futures: open call for an IS machine supplier

This is an opportunity to support the industry and demonstrate the latest glass container forming technology at Glass Futures' pilot facility

Open call for an IS machine supplier to partner with Glass Futures in the development of innovative technologies for the glass sector. This is an opportunity to support the industry, showcase machinery and demonstrate the latest glass container forming technology at Glass Futures’ pilot facility in St Helens, UK, for R&D, innovation and training.

• Showcase equipment in the world’s first open-access glass R&D centre
• Provide on-site training – both classroom & practical (under glass)
• Carry out further research & development under glass
• Trial unprecedented container technologies on an active production line
• Market new developments to a globally recognised audience
• Use Glass Futures’ open access facility to network with the Glass Industry and supply chain

To find out more information please contact: peterjfirth@gmail.com.

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