GlassBuild America returns to Las Vegas, NV, October 18 to 20. Featuring hundreds of exhibits from leading industry companies from around the globe, this annual trade show brings the best of the glass, window, and door world together. Products, machinery, services and more are on full display, allowing attendees to gain a deeper insight into the latest innovations and the supply chain solutions.
The first 300 people who register for GlassBuild America 2022 will garner the title of “Vegas VIP”. These VIPs will get private access to the show floor 30 minutes before it opens to the thousands of others, have their names and companies listed in the official show catalogue, on the show floor, the GlassBuild website and on social media, getting the recognition to show the rest of the glass and fenestration industry who sets the tone for this important industry event.
The opportunity to meet, learn and grow in a setting that fosters the best of the entire industry is tremendous.