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British Glass CEO gives evidence to inquiry on cost-of-living crisis

The inquiry is conducted by BEIS (Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy)

Dave Dalton, CEO of British Glass, focused on rising energy costs, their effects on energy intensive industries such as glass, what interventions from government could help alleviate the pressures on industry and security of supply over the winter months.

Part of the evidence highlighted the increase in costs facing glass manufacturers in the UK who have seen wholesale energy costs increase by 700 percent in 12 months.

On the inquiry, Mr. Dalton said, “For both the glass industry and the wider energy intensive users, we welcome the inquiry into the impact of energy costs on our sectors as part of our ongoing dialogue with government.

“However, we now need action as a result of this dialogue to understand what interventions will be put in place to deal with energy prices and security of supply this winter.”

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