Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Glaston sells flat tempering line to Chile

Glaston has closed an important deal for a FC Series flat tempering furnace with Chinook convection system to Comercial Dialum located in Santiago, Chile.

The order was booked in Glaston’s Q4/2016 order book. Measured by size, this is the biggest flat tempering furnace that Glaston has ever sold in South America. The furnace will be delivered to Chile during summer 2017.
Comercial Dialum is one of the leading architectural glass fabricators in Chile offering high-quality tempered and laminated glasses. In addition to their home market products are exported to Latin America and the United States.
“In South America, the glass processing market has been very slow during the past years. However, some early signs of positive development is perceptible in Chile, Peru and Colombia and especially for high-quality tempered glass”, says Moreno Magon, VP, Sales and Service, South America.
The FC Series is well-known for high capacity, energy efficiency, built-in process intelligence and ease of use and above all for the premium quality of its end products. With its state-of-the-art Chinook convection system the FC series meets all the requirements for demanding low emissivity glass coatings.
“Technological innovation has enabled us to be leaders, delivering high quality products to the South American market. By incorporating an FC furnace, we will increase our production capacity, considerably reduce anisotropy and be able to process large glasses, which the local market does not currently offer,” says Fernando Diez, Executive President and owner of Commercial Company Dialum.

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