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Georgia Scalfano joins the National Glass Association

In addition to overseeing NGA’s efforts in sustainability for the glass and glazing industry, Scalfano will serve as the Association’s liaison to related government and industry standards development organizations for sustainability issues

NGA expands its advocacy and technical services department with the addition of Georgia Scalfano as Technical Services Sustainability Manager.

“NGA continues to strengthen our advocacy and technical services initiatives, and hiring Georgia to focus on sustainability issues is an important building block,” said Nicole Harris, NGA president & CEO.

Scalfano most recently worked for Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc. and BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC. During her tenure at Pape-Dawson Engineers, Scalfano worked closely with government and regulatory agencies to ensure projects were as efficient and sustainable as possible. “I believe strongly in the importance of advocating for sustainable solutions,” says Scalfano. “This is what inspired me to study Environmental and Ecological Engineering with a minor in Environmental Policy to pursue a meaningful career in the industry.”

Scalfano’s official start was December 19, 2022, reporting to Urmilla Sowell, technical services & advocacy director. She will attend NGA Glass Conference: Miramar Beach from January 24 to 26 to get acquainted with NGA members, committee activities and priorities for 2023.

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