Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

GPD 2023 – Conference Program Highlights

This version of the program highlights the sessions and presentations selected for each session of the GPD 2023. The version of the program that will show the date and time of each presentation is under production and will be released soon. Selected workshops are also included in the highlights.

Conference exhibition
The event will also have an exhibition where companies will present the latest on glass technology. The now famous Step Change program that showcases start-ups in the industry will also be part of the exhibition. Exhibition booths are now on sale. For more info and to reserve a booth, click here.

Participant registration for the conference is ongoing via the GPD website.

To book your seat, click here and follow the provided instructions to register.

Hotel accommodation
For your convenience, GPD has a limited number of rooms allocated in some hotels in Tampere. To reserve a room and get the GPD rate, please go to GPD Finland 2023 Hotels.

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