Page 74 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 2/2017
P. 74


                  GLASSWORKS HOUNSELL

                                                                                  Park Lane - B63 2QS Halesowen
                                                                                  United Kingdom
                                                                                      +44 - 1384 - 560666
                                                                                    + 44 - 1384 - 561363

                                                                                The addition of raw materials to the
                                                                                melting process can impact pro-
                                                                                GXFWLRQ  HI¿FLHQF\   RSHUDWLQJ  FRVWV
                                                                                DQG  SUR¿WDELOLW\   7KHUHIRUH  .H\
                                                                                considerations for charging sys-
                                                                                tems are furnace and glass types,
                                                                                UDZ  PDWHULDOV   PHOWLQJ  SUR¿OHV
                                                                                product and required quality, per-
                                   sonnel and energy availability. Glassworks Hounsell possesses more than 50 years of industry
                                   experience as a provider for batch charging technology. We offer all types of Chargers for all
                                   furnace types with a wide range of standard and bespoke solutions to match all your require-
                                   ments and have supplied more than 1200 worldwide. We also offer SnO2 electric melting solu-
                                   tions for highest quality glasses -  so put our experience to work for you!

                  IPROTEC GmbH
                                                                                  Dr.-Schott-Str. 35
                            Iprotec is specialized in the development, design, planning,   94227 Zwiesel - Germany
                             manufacture, assembly and commissioning of machines and       +49 - 9922 - 98676
                                     systems that we design optimally under holistic con-    +49 - 9922 - 882676
                                      VLGHUDWLRQ  RI  WKH  FXVWRPHU¶V  VSHFL¿F  HQYLURQPHQW
                                       and as long lasting partner of Schott Zwiesel, with
                                        the greatest possible expertise.
                                                Our portfolio for glass industry:
                                                 Gob feeder - Platinum feeder - Blow-
                                                 ing machines - Press machines - Fire
                                                     polishing and stretching ma-
                                                     chines - Transport and handling
                                                     systems - Packing systems
                                                     - Lehr stacker systems - Lehr
                                                      unloading systems - Laser
                                                       ¿ODPHQW  FXWWLQJ  IRU  PRLO
                                                        rejection - Rim polish-
                                                         ing machines - Auto-
                                                         matic inspection

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