Page 49 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 1/2018
P. 49

Fig. B
                                                     selected among the best and      Dimensional accuracy
                                                     certified European producers,      Dimensional  accuracy  is  one
                                                     being the high purity and stabil-  of the most important aspects of
                                                     ity of the chemical composition   quality supply.
                                                     of the raw materials a basic       For this reason, the supply
                                                     requirements for the quality of   of a furnace bottom paving,
                                                     refractory blocks.               forehearth glass contact chan-
                                                                                      nel blocks and super-structures,
                                                     Special care in design           like those supplied to Vetri
                                                     and construction                 Speciali, have been scrupulously
                                                       For this project, special atten-  pre-assembled and machined
                                                     tion and care was dedicated to the   in order to obtain very strict
                                                     patterns design and construction,   tolerances.
                                                     which is developed in-house by     In fact, the automatic grind-
                                                     Fusiontec specialists. The design   ing machines with numerical
                                                     was focused in forming a final   control permit to achieve a high
                                                     piece, which has the best features   dimensional precision so as to
                                                     and characteristics (density, poros-  give  the  joints  a  narrow  toler-
                                                     ity, etc.) depending on its working    ance up to ±0,5 millimetres.
                                                     conditions during operation. The   The  quality  control  depart-
                                                     selection of the materials for the   ment is focused on the dimen-
                                                     patterns is made in order to use   sional check, density and poros-
                                                     those materials that transmit the   ity control; for the certification
                                                     vibration in the most efficient way.  of materials and non-routine
                                                       Process   automation    has    checks Fusiontec is assisted by
                                                     played the most important role   SSV (Stazione Sperimentale del
                                                     in achieving high levels of qual-  Vetro) on the basis of a regular
                                                     ity of Fusiontec production,     cooperation agreement.
                                                     mainly during the mixing and       Thanks  to  the  accurate
                                                     casting stages.                  control of the whole process
                                                       In order to assure a full pro-  Fusiontec is able to produce
                                                     cess treacebility, after the cast-  very large blocks (up to 2.3
                                                     ing phase, every piece was asso-  tons, with overall main  dimen-
                                                     ciated to a code number which    sions of 1,800 x 1,800 millime-
                                                     follows the block during all the   tres), including glass contact
                                                     process through a bar code.      channels, with the advantage
                                                       Consequently, it is possible   to reduce the number of joints,
                                                     to associate the complete  his-  that will greatly help to speed up
                                                     tory to the relevant refractory   the installation process. �
                                                     block (batches of raw materials
                                                     which have been used, mixing
                                                     and cast process parameters, fir-
                                                     ing  process  temperatures,  etc.)
                                                     and store it as computer data;
                   insulation layers and melting     by input of the code number all
                   tank insulation.                  the block history can be recalled
                      All these parts are manu-      at any time, if needed.
                   factured through the vibro-         The  automation  is  extended
                   cast technology that is one of    to  the firing process,  and  it is   Fusiontec a
                   the key processes mastered by     assisted by the continuous mon-  Revimac company
                   Fusiontec.                        itoring of the furnace param-
                      The high quality level of      eters, which is achieved thanks         Via Mario Carraro, 9/11
                   the refractories was achieved     to the remote control so that      36075 Montecchio Maggiore (VI) - Italy
                                                                                             Tel.: +39-344-0468762
                   through  an accurate control of   Fusiontec operators are able to       E-mail:
                   every step of the process, start-  check at any time the status of
                   ing  from  the  raw  materials,  all   the firing process.

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