Page 9 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
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            ISSN 0394-9893                                                  SUPPLIERS GUIDE
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                                                                       BDF Industries (all season) Collection
                                                                             Our best experience for your Glass Industry
                                                                           More than 100 years of tradition and more than 60 years of experience in Glass Industry,
                                                                           always in continuous research in new technologies and innovations to improve your production
             WEB PUBBLICATIONS                                             BDF Industries has everything you need to “dress” your Glass Plant: from Furnaces to
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                                                                           Forehearths, from IS Machines to Variable Equipment, from Automation to Controls, to Energy
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                                                                           BDF Industries. The perfect Partner who always knows how to put itself in your shoes.
                                             BDF INDUSTRIES SPA
                                                                                       Excellence. Your Industrial Partner in Glass
                                Viale dell’Industria 40 - 36100 Vicenza (VI) - Italy         FURNACES  |  FOREHEARTHS  |  IS MACHINES
                                      Tel.: 0444-286100 - Fax: 0444-286299
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                                                                         glass machinery plants & accessories 5/2019
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