Page 11 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
P. 11

55                       DIAMOND CUTTING TOOLS  is published every two months by  Year 28 c
                                                BDT’s investment in
                                                expanding of its facilities
                                                during the slow market has
                                                paid off. Their sales for the
                                                                                                      No. 1 (156)
                                                 last two years are good
                                                 and now they are branching
                                                 into stone
                                                 Canice Murray
                                                                EDITORIAL AND
                                                                                      20032 Cormano (Milano) - Italy
                                                                ADVERTISING OFFICE    Via Antonio Gramsci, 57
     articles          articles                                                       Tel.: +39 - 02 - 66306866
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                                 Within the scope of  Bovone Diamond Tools  
                  Bystronic      the TPedge project,   en the leap from a labora-INVESTS IN EXPANSION
                                      Fraunhofer ISE. AND WIDENS ITS HORIZONS
                                           er with Bystronic were sub-
                                      “We have successfully tak-
                                               erable ageing phenomenon
                                           jected to comprehensive
                                               and an output loss of up to
                                 Bystronic glass has
                                      tory prototype to the stand-
                                               41 percent. The testing of
                                           module tests in accordance
                                      solar cells),” said Max Mit-
                                           The results confi rm  the
                                 cooperated with   ard industrial size (with 60   with IEC 61730/61215.   the resistance to changing   55  PRINTED BY   STAMPALAB Srl
                                               thermal loads was also suc-
                                      tag, Project Manager at the
                                               cessfully passed.
                                           high resistance and the
                                 scientists from   technical maturity of the   Fraunhofer ISE’s TestLab  Glass-Technology International 2/2017
                                      Tobias Neff, Solar Product   module concept. Many   PV Modules verifi ed  the
                                      Manager at Bystronic, ex-  different TPedge design   durability of the TPedge
                                 the Fraunhofer   plained, “With the TPedge   setups were tested using   modules by exposing them      Via Giacinto Martorelli, 4
                                 Institute for Solar   technology, the costs for   conventional  glass-foil-  to 400 temperature cycles
                                               (From 40 degrees below
                                      the module production can
                                           laminate and glass-glass-
                                      be lowered considerably   laminate modules as a ref-  zero and up to 85 degrees      20134 Milano (MI) - Italy
                                 Energy Systems   – with an envisaged cy-  erence. The resistance to   Celsius) in the testing pro-
                                      cle time of 45 seconds per  s ds s  s  s s perperper  hail and surface load were   cess.
                                         ondndndsss ndds
                                      module oduleodule odododododod
                                      odule linlliduul
                                 (Fraunhofer ISE) in   m m mo m mo module line.“    also tested.  EXCELLENT
                                      The Fraunhofer ISE was
                                           PROVEN AGEING
                                 Freiburg regarding   able to take automated pro-  RESISTANCE  RESISTANCE  BACK COPIES   € 29 air mail included; Italy: € 15
                                      duction systems for TPedge
                 THREE YEAR STUDY OF   the development of   modules into operation   In the humidity-heat test,   Resistance to mechanical
                                           the TPedge modules with
                                      in its Module Technol-
                                               loads and hail were con-
                                      ogy Center and use them to
                                               ducted at the Fraunhofer
                                           various commercial cells
             PROTOTYPE PHOTOVOLTAIC   a process for the   manufacture various pro-  were subjected to a tem-  ISE mounting systems. The   Published by Smartenergy S.r.l.; owned by ARTENERGY PUBLISHING S.r.l.
                                           perature of 85 degrees Cel-
                                      totypes in different setups.
                                 industrial production
                                           sius and a relative humidity
                                      The industrial manufac-
                                               modules were successfully
               MODULES FINDS BENEFITS   of innovative PV   turing processes have been   of 85 percent over a period   tested in various mounting   All rights reserved. Reproduction even partially in any form is strictly prohibited unless written permission
                                      developed further and op-
                                               positions up to a maximum
                                           of 4000 hours. The mod-
                                           ules did not present any
                                      timized. The weight of the
                                               load of 5400 Pascal units of
                                               pressure. Despite the fact
                                      TPedge modules have been
                                           changes when compared
                                 modules based on a   reduced by 30 percent by   with initial output meas-  that the surface load tests
               OF LOWERED COST AND   Fraunhofer patent.   utilising 2 millimetre thin   urements. In comparison,   were repeated numerous   has first been obtained from the Publisher. The magazine is open to collaboration from all, but no
                                      glass. The prototypes that
                                               times, a change to the out-
                                           the conventional modules
                                      were manufactured togeth-  partially displayed consid-  put was not subsequently
               GREATER RESISTANCE TO   Numerous prototypes      manuscripts or photographs will be returned. The editor’s office does not accept responsibility for opinions
             THE ELEMENTS AND AGEING  of these TPedge           expressed in signed articles.
                                 modules have now
                                 been subjected to
             he Fraunhofer ISE   glass machines and sys-  glass panes. TPedge elimi-  opment of a Technology   60
             mounted 70 TPedge   tems. TPedge modules are   nates the need for tradi-  for Edge Sealed Solar PV
             T modules on the fa-  edge sealed, double glass   tional encapsulation foils   Modules,” the Fraunhofer   comprehensive tests   The Court responsible is Milan. Publication registered at no. 208 of the Milan Court Records Office
             çade of a laboratory build-  PV modules that have a   and the module frames so   ISE has cooperated with   that confirm the
             ing and subsequently put   high degree of similarity to   that both material costs and   Bystronic in the techno-
             these to successful use for   insulating glass windows.   time consuming lamination   logical development incor-
             over three years.   The solar cells are fi xed   processes are removed.  porated into the industrial   high reliability of the
             The modules were pro-  in gas-fi lled spaces using   Within the scope of the   production of innovative   on 24.3.1990
             duced  using  Bystronic  adhesive pins between the   project “TPedge – Devel-  solar module concepts.  module concept.
             60 Glass-Technology International 2/2017  Glass-Technology International 2/2017  61  ISSN 1126-8573
                                                                Glass-Technology International, n.156                   , anno 28, 2017, Dir. Resp. Marco Pinetti
                                                                Poste Italiane Spa - Spedizione in abbonamento postale - 70% - LO/MI - Periodico bimestrale.
              BUILDING GLASS
                                   Jason Sim
                                  Business Development
                                   Manager  house applications, more   aluminum or silver coat-
                                  DirACT Glass  sunlight passing through   MIRROR, MIRROR   ing on the rear surface of
                                           ON THE WALL
                                      equals more solar energy   the glass which refl ects our
                                      being stored and so every   Back in the 1660s, mir-  image back through to us.
                                      photon of light counts. Ac-  rors were considered much   Mirrors now adorn many
                                  89% while low-iron glass   cording to Jim Koster of   prized items reserved only   walls in our buildings cre-
                                  which was developed in   JTB Glass, growers in Eu-  for royalty and the wealthy   ating’ interior space. Paul
                                  1987 for the pyramid in   rope are looking for good   elite. It was forbidden   Goudeau from Saint Gob-
                                  Louvre’s court yard has an   quality low-iron glass with   for any Venetian mirror   ain, a glass company that
                                  improved VLT of 91% and   an anti-refl ective  coating   artisan to practice their   recently celebrated more
                                  above, and also removes   that allows 97% of vis-  art outside Venice, the   than 350 years of making
                                                                 regular features        regular
                                  the green/blue hue that   ible light through, thus   fi rst mirror capital of the   mirrors, said that his com-
                                  comes with normal glass.   increasing the productivity   world. Today mass pro-  pany is currently develop-
                                  In  commercial  green-  of the crops.  duction mirrors have an   ing a mirror that brings   |
            Evolution of glass in
            BUILDINGS                                           12 ADVERTISERS INDEX &
                       he most remarkable
                          material, especially in the
                       physical property of
                          last ten years. The author
               a review  T glass on its discovery   most promising building   COMPANIESMENTIONED
                          explores some of these
                      in Mesopotamia must have
                      been its transparency. From
                          new properties and how
               of recent developments  its earliest application as   they have been harnessed
                      personal adornment to the
                          to raise the application of
               in the use of glass  present day building enve-  glass to yet another level.
                      lope, glass has stretched as
                          NOT JUST CLEAR,
               in architecture   64                             14  OUR FAIR CALENDAR 2017
                      far as the imagination can
                          ULTRA CLEAR -
                      reach. Although the basic
                          LOW-IRON GLASS
                      component of glass is still
                      humble sand (silica), cen-
                          The normal glass we use
                      turies of technology have
                          has a VLT (Visible Light
             64 Glass-Technology International 2/2017  transformed it into the   Transmittance) of about   Glass-Technology International 2/2017  65
                                                                16 BUSINESS NEWS
              GPD 2017
                    Rejuvenated   At the turn of this year The Glass Performance Days (GPD) announced significant changes and   94  SUPPLIERS GUIDE - Yellow Pages
                                 new initiatives for its upcoming 25th Anniversary Conference June 28-30, 2017. Plans are at
                                 the finalizing stage but it is already clear that the venue will be new, the format upgraded
                 face-lift for 25th    and the interactive mode fitted to our times. In this way the organizers aim at honoring
                                 traditions, facilitate a generation change and make use of today´s advanced conferencing
                Anniversary GPD  technologies. The number of confirm presentations in conference and workshops are over   102 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE
                                 180 attendants are expected come together at a new venue with exciting prospects.
                                                pecial attention is
                                                also devoted to at-
                                               S tracting the interest
                                               of start-up organizations
                                               that represent entirely new
                                               ideas for a traditional busi-
                                               -  The set-up of the venue
                                                is an innovation in it-
                                                self, says Jorma Vitkala,
                                                Chairman of the Organ-
                                                izing Committee. We
                                                are moving the Confer-
                                                ence from its previous
                                                venue Tampere Hall to
                                     70           respective
                                                a new facility The Star
                                                Arena. The new venue
                                                utilizes the connection to
                                                the Tampere Trade Fair
                                                Complex at Pirkkala in
                                                a new building that rep-
                                                resents state-of-the-art
                                                Conferencing Technol-
                                                ogy. This enables us to
                                                stage the Conference in
                                                one open 5,000 square
                                                meter space divided into
                                                six seminar sections with
                                                presentation and audio
                                                units and yet in visual
                                                contact for all. This
                                                makes moving between
                                                sessions and presenta-
             70 Glass-Technology International 2/2017  Glass-Technology International 2/2017  71
                 cover advertiser
            Guangjian Building , No 12, Wangcheng Road
            Luoyang 471000 - Henan Province - China
            Tel.: +86-379-65298883 - Fax: +86-379-63910869
            E-mail: -          Landglass 1 pag.indd   1
                                                                          Glass-Technology International 2/2017  9
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