Page 54 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
P. 54


           ence have been improved.   removal device as an op-  fitted as an add-on to an   the glass is scored and fi-
           The positioning and layout   tion, which removes the   existing solution. As the   nally broken. The marked
           of the cutting bridge have   non-reusable offcuts of   grippers are integrated   reduction in the time taken
           been reworked to provide   glass via a flap mechanism   directly into the measur-  to separate the foil aroused
           more freedom of move-     into a fragment container.  ing table, the RAPIDLAM   great interest in visitors.
           ment for the operator. The   Visitors looking at the   does not require separate   The safety glass is easily
           parking position of the   RAPIDLAM      at   the   safety fencing and can be   broken immediately after
           head is now on the rear of   Glasstec stand were able to   accessed from all sides.  scoring without the resist-
           the table so tools can be   get an idea of how HEG-  The technical realisation   ance of the foil. Model
           changed outside the safety   LA envisions the future of   of the fair site was remark-  sheets in particular can be
           zone. The cutting bridge   LSG cutting. For use here   ably visionary. Instead of   separated much more pre-
           takes up less space in the   and now, the compact sys-  separating the foil using   cisely, quickly and carefully
           working area, giving the   tem is fitted with the Shape   conventional heat technol-  in this way.
           operator more freedom of   facility and is designed to   ogy as was previously the
           movement in front of the   cut free shapes and mod-  case, HEGLA used a spe-
           machine.                  els from laminated safety   cial laser. The processing   Whether as a free-standing
           For additional operator   glass. Built to save space,   sequence is also new: The   device or an add-on for an
                                                                                         existing solution: The Rapidlam
           convenience the ProLam    it can be used either as a   foil in the glass is first sep-
                                                                                         is an ideal solution for
           can be fitted with an offcut   free-standing device or   arated using a laser, then
                                                                                         specialised cutting of shapes ans
                                                                                         models from laminate.

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