Page 74 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
P. 74

GPD 2017

             tions easy and efficient   concept aims at intro-   attendants, mentors, in-  find, inform and finally
             and the same is true for   ducing new ideas and    vestors and the media.    to invite startups as well
             participant networking.   services from startup   - The Mentoring and Am-    as emerging technology
             At the center of the open   companies or universi-  bassadorial  Program     scouts to the GPD.
             space we construct a spe-  ties that have emerging   focuses on linking tal-  THE WORLD´S ONLY
             cial Expo Area accessible   ideas but are not yet es-  ents within the industry.   GLASS INDUSTRY
             from all directions. The   tablished in the market.   Solid connections be-  SPECIFIC STARTUP
             scheme is ambitious but   The start-up companies   tween seasoned, perhaps   EVENT
             the technology as such   can use the expo area     retired professionals and
             is proven i.e. at informa-  to exhibit their products   the new generation of   The GPD organizers are
             tion industry assemblies.   to glass industry profes-  glass specialists are vi-  reaching out to recruit in-
             Gone is the need to navi-  sionals and investors. It   tal for the development   dustry professionals who
             gate between floors, cor-  is equipped with 4 sq.   of the industry and the   would like to be part of
             ridors and closed doors.  meter booths. The main   building of sustainable   the Step Change Program.
                                      purpose of the Step Con-  networks. Special ben-  Special invitations go to in-
           TWO NEW SPECIAL            cept is to provide inves-  efits  and  discounted  vestors, venture capitalists,
           PROGRAMS FOR A             tors and mentors with     prices are offered to ex-  business angels and ac-
           WORLD-LEADING              focused opportunities to   perienced  professional  celerators. The organizers
                                      meet glass industry start-  who register for the   are hard at work in search-
           The Conference program     ups and decision makers.   Ambassadorial Program.   ing for the right investors
           includes entirely new fea-  Face-to-face-meetings    Investors and Mentors   within the glass industry
           tures compared with pre-   can be arranged before or   from the glass industry   as well as business angel
           vious Conferences. Two     during the event through   are especially welcome to   networks, venture capital
           special conference modules   the Meeting Manage-     sign up for new oppor-  organizations, banks, fi-
           are introduced:  The Step   ment Tool. A pitching    tunities to learn about   nancial institutions, private
           Change Program and the     contest for startups will   emerging  technologies  individuals etc.
           Mentoring and Ambassador   be extended to all attend-  and potential partnering.   -  We also need help in
           Program. Explains Event    ants at the GPD. This     An important goal for the   identifying new startup
           Coordinator Victor Jason:  contest will showcase the   GPD Mentor and Am-      companies with innova-
           -  The GPD Step Change     startups to conference    bassadorial Program is to   tive ideas, products or

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