Page 94 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2017
P. 94

Company Workshops                                                            8  May 2017

               FLAT GLASS SESSION                                HOLLOW GLASS SESSION

             11.00 - 11.15                                     14.30 - 14.45
              INTRODUCTION                                      S.I.G.MA. BONDED HIGH ALUMINA
              ON GLASS QUALITY CONTROL                          A 95 V: THE BEST ALTERNATIVE TO FUSED
              AYROX                                             &$67 ǹ Ǻ $/80,1$ )25 $// */$66
                                                                CONTACT APPLICATIONS FOR OPERATING
                                                                TEMPERATURES UP TO 1300°C
              Normative and economic reasons for quality control, Quality
              assurance, daily quality control, overview of some instruments.
             11.20 - 11.35
                                                                S.I.G.MA. Group has developed a bonded high alumina material
              HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR PRODUCTION                    (trademark A 95 V) with a corrosion resistance higher than fused
                                                                FDVW  Į ȕ  DOXPLQD  DQG  EHWWHU  WKDQ  WKH  RWKHU  ERQGHG  PDWHULDOV
                                                                tested at typical forehearth working temperatures (recommended
              INSPECTION SYSTEMS”                               up to 1300°C).
              ISRA VISION                                       7KLV SHUIRUPDQFH LV FRQ¿UPHG E\    FRPSDUDWLYH WHVWV FDUULHG
                                                                out in cooperation with our in-house laboratory and derives from
              ISRA VISION has the most complete product portfolio in the   an exclusive manufacturing process which grants:
              world for optical glass inspection systems, used by thousands   -   high level of alumina: 97-99%
              of companies to inspect every production step in the glass            FU\VWDOOLQH VWUXFWXUH Į $O O   1R ȕ $O O , No 3-4% of
                                                                                        2 3       2 3
                                                                  Na O)
              WR WKH VSHFL¿HG UHTXLUHPHQWV RI YLUWXDOO\ DQ\ JODVV W\SH  LQFOXGLQJ   -   very low level of glassy phase
              provide perfect surface inspection, improving process and   more than 2,000 tons have been supplied.
              maximizing yield. Highest quality and maximum productivity with   S.I.G.MA. high alumina channels are in operation all over the
              minimized production costs.                       world.
             11.40 - 11.55                                     14.50 - 15.05
              NEW PRODUCTION TRENDS:                            LASER FILAMENT CUTTING
              MODULAR CNC UNITS                                 IPROTEC
              NEPTUN                                            7KH ODVHU ¿ODPHQW FXWWLQJ SURFHVV IRU VHSDUDWLQJ WKH PRLO LV D QHZ

                                                                age in high quality table ware production due to highest quality
              Neptun presents the alternative to the traditional multifunctional
                                                                and stability of the process. For the new process you don’t need
              centers. The innovative division of the work phases into CNC
                                                                a grinding for rim post processing and due to this no water for
              units which are independent the one from the other but completely
              LQWHJUDWHG LQ WKH SURGXFWLRQ ÀRZ  DOORZV \RX WR UHDFK QHZ WDUJHWV   cooling and washing.  You always put clean and dry glasses into
              LQ HI¿FLHQF\ DQG SURGXFWLRQ FRVWV                 your cartons.
                                                                $QRWKHU ELJ EHQH¿W LV  WKDW WKH PDFKLQH LV TXLWH VPDOO  VR \RX QHHG
             12.00 - 12.15                                      less space in production and we can offer to you a combination
                                                                ZLWK D IXOO DXWRPDWLF LQVSHFWLRQ LQVLGH WKH /DVHU ¿ODPHQW FXWWLQJ
              TYROLIT PREMIUM GRINDING                          machine. So you can guarantee a high quality level over your
              TOOLS SINCE 1919                                  whole production.
              TYROLIT VINCENT
              TYROLIT is one of the world's largest producers of innovative
              solutions in grinding, dressing, cutting, sawing, drilling and
              polishing. The company, founded in 1919 and member of the
              Swarovski Group, employs  over 4.250 people, 101 employees
              are in Research & Development at 27 production locations.
              TYROLIT VINCENT SRL is the headquarter for the Stone,
              Ceramic and Glass Division and is one of the main production
              sites, with focus and investments in the manufacturing of high
              tech tools. All projects for Glass are developed in Italy by the R&D
              department and carefully followed by the technical and marketing
              team all over the world.
              Tyrolit has thus become a trusted partner for all tools for glass
              processing:  automotive glass, architectural and furniture glass,
              household appliance and optic glass. With our wealth of process
              know-how we are able to provide sustained solutions in line with
              our customers' demanding , technical and economic expectations.

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