Page 22 - Glass-Technology International no. 6/2017
P. 22



           Glass for Europe’s members, which   GLASS FOR EUROPE
           manufacture and transform flat glass
           to make advanced energy saving    EXPECTED REFORM TO MAKE
           technologies available to the build-
           ing sector, welcome the positive   EPBD FIT FOR PURPOSE
           signal that the European Parliament’s
           ITRE Committee has sent today by   ticular the introduction of a defini-  the restored EPBD ambition in the
           amending the European Commission   tion of a decarbonised building stock   ITRE report will prevail in the future
           proposal for the Energy Performance   based on the NZEB principle and the   negotiations with Member States.
           of Building Directive.            integration of renovation strategies   “It is now the opportunity for the
           “With the ITRE committee vote, the   into the Member States’ long-term   EU to equip itself with a powerful
           debate on an EPBD reform propos-  strategies which must include clear   instrument to reduce its greenhouse
           ing measures commensurate with the   milestones and actions. The broad   gas emissions while fostering eco-
           challenge of building renovation is at   majority which voted in favour of the   nomic growth and contributing to
           last starting,” said Bertrand Cazes,   report within the ITRE committee   the alleviation of energy poverty”, he
           Secretary General of Glass for Europe.   bodes well in view of trilogue negotia-  concluded.
           “The European Commission proposal   tions and the plenary vote.     As final decisions remain to be
           had to be substantially improved and   “The report safeguards the energy   taken, the Council will have a huge
           refocused to enable the massive trans-  efficiency first principle by limit-  responsibility in delivering the right
           formation Europe’s buildings urgently   ing the initial proposal’s trade-offs   policy framework for Europe
           need and the ITRE committee did   between energy saving technologies   to boost renovation and deliver
           precisely that.”                  and renewables”, added Bertrand   on the promises of the COP21
           Glass for Europe welcomes in par-  Cazes. Glass for Europe hopes that   agreement.

                                         FC SERIES™ TEMPERING FURNACE AND


           Glaston has closed a deal with US-  mark the fourth FC machine to be   been able to continually grow their
           based Manko Windows Systems for   delivered. All four lines have the iLook   business by providing their custom-
           a FC Series™ tempering furnace and   Distortion™ online measuring system,   ers with a tremendous product. They
           ProL™ lamination line. The order was   and this latest line will come with   have consistently invested in industry
           received in several parts, most of the   the new iLook Anisotropy™ online   leading technology. They continue to
           value in the second quarter and the re-  scanning system that visualizes and   do this, not only with their fourth FC
           maining in the third quarter. The lines   quantifies the level of anisotropy or   Series™ furnace, but also with the new
           will be delivered to the customer by the   iridescence in heat-treated glass thus   ProL™ lamination line,” says Scott
           end of this year.                 giving the processor a tool to continu-  Steffy, VP Sales and Service, Glaston
           Founded in 1989, Manko Windows    ously monitor quality and improve   America.
           Systems has three manufacturing   production methods.               “We are driven to provide our custom-
           locations, and provides high end   Along with this new FC Series™,   ers with high quality, on-time prod-
           aluminium windows, curtain wall, and   Manko has also placed an order for   ucts, through our P&D, and cutting
           insulated glass, among others.    the state of the art ProL™ flat glass   edge equipment. Our long standing
           In 2002, Manko purchased it first two   lamination line. The ProL™ laminating   partnership with Glaston, built with
           Glaston tempering lines. Manko and   furnace’s convection system provides   top end machinery, and exceptional
           Glaston continued their long partner-  accurate and optimized heat transfer.   service, enables us to do just this. The
           ship in 2015, with the delivery of two   This gives consistently superb glass   glass quality is also exceptional, and
           FC Series™ tempering lines, and then   quality and an up to 100% capacity in-  the energy savings are even higher than
           a third line in 2016.             crease over traditional infrared heating.   expected,” says Gary Jones, President,
           This new FC Series™ furnace will   “From the very beginning, Manko has   Manko Windows Systems.

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