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    c                                                                     ANNIVERSARY        its 60th birthday in   young, unfortunately, but   “Sixties” to its 60th birth-  had some not so good, but

                                                                                                       day. We’ve had some very
                                                                                                  the company was in good
                                                                                                           one of the characteristics of
                                                                                                           the people here at Cuneo,
                                                                                                       good periods – like the last
                                                                                                  hands and has been suc-
                                                                                                       two years – and we’ve also
                                                                                                           starting with the owners,
                                                                                                  cessfully guided from the
                                                                                              Bottero celebrated
                                                                                              2017 with very
                                                                                              signifi cant
                                                                                             contracts from large
                                                                                             international groups
                                                                                      GTI: Bottero celebrated an
                                                                                      important milestone this year.
                                                                                      Can you tell us something of
                                                                                      the history of the company?
                                                                                      DC: Yes, Bottero has been
                                                                             DAVIDE CIGNA,
                                                                                      celebrating 60 years in the
                                                                                      glass business. We are very
                                                                                      proud to say that we have
                                                                            SALES MANAGER
                                                                                      been involved in every as-
                                                                                      pect of the industry – fl at
                                                                                      glass machinery, hollow
                                                                                      glass machinery and pro-
      articles          articles          articles          articles          articles
                                                                         | OF BOTTERO, TALKS
                                                                                      duction equipment – right
                                                                                      from Day One. We are one
                                                                                      of the few companies (per-
                                                                          TO GTI ABOUT PAST,  quale Bottero, died very  34
                                                                                      haps the only one) who
                                                                                      can claim a 360º experi-
                                                                                      ence of glass machinery
                                                                              PRESENT AND   from the very beginning.
                                                                                      That intuitive decision to
                                                                                      get involved across the
                                                                         FUTURE IN THE GLASS   board was an early winning
                                                                                      move by our owners. Bot-
                                                                                      tero is a private company
                                                                                INDUSTRY  owned by a group of local
                                                                                      families in the Cuneo area.
                                                                                      The original founder, Pas-
           34  Davide Cigna, Sales Manager of Bottero, talks            34 Glass-Technology International 1/2018
                   to GTI about past, present and future
                   in the glass industry                                  PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTS
                                                                                                         ¸ Si¸SECAM GROUP
                                                                        S ˛is˛ecam Group              business fi elds including all main areas of glass industry, i.e. fl at glass, glassware, glass
                                                                                                      One of the most established enterprises in Turkey, S¸ is¸ ecam Group is a global actor in
                                                                                                      packaging and glass fi ber, as well as soda and chromium chemicals. Today S¸ is¸ ecam
                                                                                                      , the world’s leading supplier of chromium compounds and the 10 th  largest soda ash
           40  S˛is˛ecam Group                                          BRINGING TOGETHER         Ahmet Kirman  The Group, which has 42 production facilities in total, has manufacturing activities in
                                                                                                      producer in the world, is the 3 rd  largest glassware, the 5 th  largest glass packaging and
                                                                                                      fl at glass manufacturer globally.
                                                                                                      Turkey, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
                                                                                                      the Russian Federation, Georgia, Ukraine, Egypt and India. With its 81 years of
                                                                                                      experience, nearly 22,000 employees, production in 13 countries, and sales in more
                                                                                                      than 150 countries, S¸ is¸ ecam is a group at international scale and continues on its
                                                                                                      journey to become one of top three global producers in its all-main business fi elds.
                                                                        THE LEADING NAMES OF
                                                                                                  and technology. We
                                                                                              Academic research,
                                                                                                  vide a platform that allows
                   bringing together the leading names of the           THE GLOBAL GLASS INDUSTRY  innovation and R&D will   will continue to pro-  ogy topics, plenary ses- the  tion with 13 international
                                                                                                       sion, panel discussions, as
                                                                                                           institutions in 19 coun-
                                                                                                  participants to engage in
                                                                                              continue to be a top
                                                                                                       well as special events such
                                                                                                  for global cooperation, es-
                                                                                                           tries. “We are proud to
                                                                                              priority in the future
                                                                                                  tablish close ties and share
                                                                                                           undertake these efforts at
                                                                                                       as the William R. Prindle
                                                                                                  the latest developments in
                                                                                                           the ˛Si˛secam Science and
                                                                        ¸ Si¸secam  Group brought together the leading names of   GAND ICG   also hosted the annual   the global industry.”  Youth Outreach Event, and   Technology Center, one of
                                                                                                  Stating that the global glass
                                                                                                       very special Opening and
                                                                                                           the most advanced centers
                   global glass industry                                the global glass industry to discuss the future of the   MEETING TOGETHER  meeting of International  Glass  atile and unpredictable in   dition, various ICG meet-  industry is faced with major
                                                                                                  industry has been quite vol-
                                                                                                           in Europe. The global glass
                                                                                                       Closing Ceremonies. In ad-
                                                                                                           technological, environmen-
                                                                                      ˛ Si˛secam Group, a global
                                                                                                  recent years, Prof. Kırman
                                                                                                       ing were held. The meet-
                                                                        industry and new technologies in Istanbul.  ¸Si¸secam Glass
                                                                                                       ings were an important
                                                                                      actor in business fi elds in-
                                                                                                           tal and social opportunities
                                                                                                  said: “Despite all these cir-
                                                                                             (ICG), which brought to-
                                                                                             gether glass industry repre-
                                                                                      cluding all main areas of
                                                                                                           and challenges. We believe
                                                                                                       forum for exchanging ide-
                                                                                                  cumstances, I believe that
                                                                        Symposium, now at its 32 nd  edition, hosted the annual   glass industry: fl at  glass,   sentatives, universities and   i ecam and other players   as, advancing knowledge,   that this large-scale event
                                                                                      glassware, glass packag-  scientifi c institutions from   have taken major steps to   and promoting collabora-  offered a global platform
                                                                        meeting of International Commission on Glass (ICG) with   ing and glass fi ber,  as   around the world. The fu-  further advance the glass   tion among the members   for discussing exciting ad-
                                                                                      well as soda and chromi-
                                                                                                           vances in glass technology.
                                                                                             ture of the glass industry
                                                                                                  industry. Glass has always
                                                                                                       of the global glass com-
                                                                        more than 400 participants from 25 countries.  um chemicals, organized   and new technologies were   been a material that makes   munity. They also provided   The symposium consisted
                                                                                      the 32 nd  ˛Si˛secam Glass
                                                                                                  people’s lives better. Aca-
                                                                                             discussed at this interna-
                                                                                                       an excellent venue for re-
                                                                                                           of fi ve parallel sessions,
                                                                                                           three panels, 30 speeches
                                                                                             tional organization during
                                                                                                       newing old friendships and
                                                                                                  demic research, innovation
                                                                                      Symposium. The event
                                                                                                       establishing new ones. The
                                                                                             22-25 October 2017 in Is-
           42  Glas Trösch                                                 40                tanbul.   representatives  a top priority in the future.”  ICG community is going to   of them posters,” said Prof.
                                                                                                  and R&D will continue to be
                                                                                                           and 120 presentations, 20
                                                                                                       use the Istanbul meeting as
                                                                                             Remarking that this impor-
                                                                                                  Dr. Manoj Choudhary,
                                                                                                  International Commission
                                                                                             tant event, which brought
                                                                                                       a template for our future
                                                                                                  on Glass (ICG) President,
                                                                                                       annual meetings,” said Dr.
                                                                                                            S , S Sis , ssecam Headquartersr
                                                                                             of the glass industry and
                                                                                                  said: “Over 400 partici-
                                                                                             academics in Istanbul, of-
                                                                                                  pants from 25 countries
                                                                                                       FIVE PARALLEL
                                                                                                  had the opportunities to
                                                                                             fered a productive plat-
                                                                                                       SESSIONS, THREE
                                                                                             form for cooperation and
                                                                                                  attend parallel technical
                                                                                                       PANELS, 30 SPEECHES
                                                                                                  glass science and technol-
                                                                                             Ahmet Kırman, ˛Si˛secam
                   glass solutions for carbon-neutral passenger ship                         exchange of ideas, Prof.   sessions on a variety of   AND 120  Chief  Research  içmeler Mah. D-100 Karayolu Cad.
                                                                                             and CEO, said: “The 32 nd
                                                                                                       Prof. ener  Oktik, i ecam
                                                                                              i ecam Glass Symposium
                                                                                                       and Technological Devel-
                                                                                             promoted the development
                                                                                                   The ICG community
                                                                                             of the global glass industry
                                                                                                       opment Offi cer, said that
                                                                                                            34947 Tuzla/Istanbul - Turkey
                                                                                             by allowing participants to
                                                                                                       they were involved in a
                                                                                                  is going to use the Istanbul
                                                                                                            Tel: +90 - 850 - 206 50 50
                                                                                             exchange information on
                                                                                                       considerable number of
                                                                                                  meeting as a template
                                                                                                            Fax: +90 - 850 - 208 40 40
                                                                                             innovations in glass science
                                                                                                       R&D projects in coopera-
           44  Intermac                                                                                  Glass-Technology International 1/2018  41
                   rewriting production standards; pushing                ENERGY EFFICIENCY  Energy efficiency and luxury? The first   supporting structure is almost invisible, and the glass
                                                                                                           Thanks to the Structural-Glazing bonding, the
                                                                                             carbon-neutral passenger ship from
                                                                                                           elements join together in a fl ush-mounted manner
                                                                                             Switzerland shows just exactly how that fits.
                   planning and design                                     Glas Trösch       The motor ship (MS)Diamant sails on Lake   Photo: © Simeta AG
                                                                                             Lucerne and not only does it comply with
                                                                                             it also offers its guests a stay in luxury. For
                                                                               GLASS SOLUTIONS   the highest demands on energy efficiency,
                                                                                             instance, the inside of the ship impresses
           50  LiSEC                                                    architecture of the MS Diamant  FOR CARBON-NEUTRAL   with two extraordinary glass domes, which   CONSTRUCTION PANEL  Lucerne,
                                                                                             enhance the salon with a diamond-shaped
                                                                                                         MS Diamant
                                                                                PASSENGER SHIP
                                                                        The generous window strips
                                                                                                         Lucerne, Switzerland
                                                                        underline the dynamic
                                                                                             construction, and which provide plenty of
                                                                                                         Shiptec AG/ Institute
                                                                                             daylight. The double-insulating glasses
                                                                                                         for Building Technology,
                                                                                                         Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des
                   new logistics solution to revolutionize insulating   Photo: © Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstaettersees AG  heat loss and high-per-  fl ooded passenger area is   were also adapted to the circumstances in   Owner:   Switzerland  winter, thanks to the low Ug
                                                                                             accordance with the high requirements on
                                                                                                         (Lake Lucerne Shipping Company)
                                                                                                         SILVERSTAR COMBI Neutral 61/32
                                                                                             energy efficiency. Hence, the glass elements
                                                                                  formance sun protection.
                                                                                      dominated by light shades,
                   glass handling                                                 The glasses are custom   enhanced by natural wood   not only guarantee a clear view, but also   FLOOR-TO-CEILING   value of 1.0 W/m2K.
                                                                                      panelling, creating a warm
                                                                                                           As the passenger ship is used
                                                                                  products, which have been
                                                                                             offer efficient protection against too much
                                                                                      and friendly atmosphere.
                                                                                                           in regular service, the expe-
                                                                                  individually adapted to the
                                                                                                       were used for the glazing
                                                                                                           rience of travelling on board
                                                                                      The MS Diamant offers
                                                                                  various dimensions. In ad-
                                                                                      ample possibilities to en-
                                                                                  dition, the glass elements
                                                                                                           the MS Diamant is open
                                                                                                       on the side walls, allowing
                                                                         he MS Diamant is a   ship should be reduced by   also score when it comes to   joy the view from its fi ve   heat and cold thanks to the SILVERSTAR COMBI   plenty of daylight to reach   for everyone to enjoy – and
                                                                         project of the com-  20 per cent compared with   aesthetics. The façade was   decks. In addition, the visi-  the ship’s interior in addi-  adds a further attraction to
                                                                        T pany Shiptec AG   the former average con-  designed as a Structural   tors delight in the view of   Neutral 61/32 coating from Glas Trösch.  tion to the glass domes. The   the already highly popular
                                                                        in Lucerne with the sup-  sumption of a conventional   Sealant Glazing System   the world below the water   high level of light transmis-  Lake Lucerne.
                                                                        port of the Institute for   scheduled boat. Amongst   (SSGS), which, thanks   in the “Nautilus Room” or   sion of 61 per cent and a
                                                                        Building Technology and   other things, an optimum   to the specially developed   take a lake water foot bath   Photo: © Simeta AG  very good colour rendering
                                                                        Energy. During the plan-  hull shape, low weight and   SSG bonding, makes the   on the water terrace. The   index of 94 contribute to
                                                                                                            Glas Trösch AG
                                                                                                       allowing the outer area to
                                                                        ning phase, the building   an environmentally friendly   substructure almost invis-  glass domes not only cap-  The interior of the luxury 42
           55  Cugher Glass                                             transferred to the require-  the lower consumption and   feature conveys the impres-  also give the salon a par-  terior of the ship, so that the   Industriestrasse 12
                                                                                  ible. From the outside, this
                                                                                                       generously fl ow into the in-
                                                                                      tivate by their design, they
                                                                        technology fi ndings  were
                                                                             hybrid drive contribute to
                                                                                                       view can be enjoyed all the
                                                                                  sion of continuous window
                                                                             an effi cient use of the en-
                                                                        ments on a ship and imple-
                                                                                      ticularly airy appearance.
                                                                                                       way round. With a g-value
                                                                        mented within a research
                                                                                      The canopies additionally
                                                                                  strips, which give the ship
                                                                                      convince by their crystal-
                                                                                  a modern and buoyant ap-
                                                                        project supported by the
                                                                                                       of 33 per cent, the insulat-
                                                                                      line supporting structure,
                                                                                                       ing glass protects against
                                                                        Commission for Technol-
                                                                                                            Ch-4922 Bützberg -
                                                                             INSULATING GLASS
                                                                                                       extreme solar radiation and
                                                                        ogy and Innovation (CTI)
                                                                                      the connections of which
                                                                        of the Federal Govern-
                                                                                  The MS Diamant also has
                                                                                                            Fax: 0041-62-9585394
                                                                                      most modern SSG bond-
                                                                             glasses provide a pleasant
                                                                        ment. All in all, the energy   In addition, the insulating   STYLISH INTERIOR  were realized using the   also ensures that the high   Tel.: 0041-62-9585400
                                                                                                       level of room comfort is
                                                                             room climate with a low
                                                                                      ing technique.
                                                                        consumption of the motor
                                                                                  a stylish interior: The light-
                                                                                                       maintained even during the
                   printing two glasses at the same time                42 Glass-Technology International 1/2018  scheduled boat impresses with its   Glass-Technology International 1/2018  43
                                                                                              radiant brightness
           60  A W                                                        MACHINERY DEVELOPMENTS  Established in
                   helping a company reinvent itself –                          Intermac      Pesaro in 1987 by
                                                                                              Giancarlo Selci,
                                                                                              Intermac is the
                   from Village Glass to Euroview                           REWRITING PRODUCTION   Biesse Group
                                                                                              company that
                                                                             STANDARDS; PUSHING   specialises in   ntermac is the Biesse
                                                                                              glass, stone and
                                                                                                  Group division that han-
                                                                            PLANNING AND DESIGN  metal processing   I dles the production and
                                                                                                  sale of equipment and sys-
                                                                                                  tems for machining glass,
                                                                                                  stone and metal. The com-
                                                                                                  pany has a leadership posi-
           66  Neptun                                                                         Striving for   ates in and has earned the
                                                                                                  tion in the sectors it oper-
                                                                                                  trust of successful compa-
                                                                                                  nies that operate in a variety
                                                                                                  of industrial sectors, from
                                                                                                  construction to interior de-
                                                                                                  sign and from the automo-
                                                                                                  tive to the aviation industry.
                                                                                              means investing
                                                                                                  RADIUS REVOLUTION:
                                                                                                  GIVING QUALITY A
                                                                                              on all elements
                   customization on an industrialized scale                                   and service 44
                                                                                                  NEW SHAPE
                                                                                              that support
                                                                                                  Intermac has created the
                                                                                                  fi rst device in the world for
                                                                                                  the creation of a matt or
                                                                                              innovation on an
                                                                                                  polished, diamond-fi nished
                                                                                                           tem was conceived to pro-
                                                                                                  radius or chamfer.
                                                                                                       edging grinding, creating
                                                                                              ongoing basis.
                                                                                                           vide impeccable fi nishing
                                                                                                       greater value through the
                                                                                                       use of technology Made in
                                                                                                  do not come about with
                                                                                                           for the radius or chamfer
                                                                                                           manual operations or ad-
                                                                                                  or location, they are de-
                                                                                              innovates in
                                                                                                       Offering the same quality,
                                                                                                  veloped thanks to experi-
                                                                                                           ditional machines.
                                                                                                       with an extra gear
           72  EControl glass                                                                 Intermac, in fact,   ease, regardless of method   Intermac.  without needing to rely on
                                                                                                  ence and superior techno-
                                                                                                           The machining operation is
                                                                                                  logical know-how. That is
                                                                                                           completed while the glass
                                                                                              order to achieve
                                                                                                       Radius Revolution expands
                                                                                                  what happens constantly
                                                                                                           is in the machine, without
                                                                                                       the possibilities for double-
                                                                                                       edging grinding systems
                                                                                                  at Intermac with the crea-
                                                                                              process, product
                                                                                                       by introducing a new ma-
                                                                                                           thereby optimising the en-
                                                                                                  tion of devices such as the
                                                                                                           tire process.
                                                                                                  Radius Revolution (pat-
                                                                                                       chining mode that rewrites
                                                                                                           The presentation of the de-
                                                                                                  ented), which has radi-
                                                                                                       production standards and
                                                                                              excellence.  cally changed the potential   gives an extra push to plan-  vice at the recent edition
                                                                                                  applications of double-
                                                                                                           of Vitrum, a trade show
                                                                                                       ning and design. The sys-
                   dynamic transparency with 16-metrehigh atrium        44 Glass-Technology International 1/2018  Glass-Technology International 1/2018  45
           75  Thermoseal Group                                           IG HANDLING SYSTEMS
                                                                                                   LiSEC handling system for
                                                                                                       iSEC, a pioneer in
                                                                                                           ing. The insulating glass
                                                                                                  gantry crane facility (UTS-B) and
                   highest performance warm edge spacerS                LiSEC                     insulating glass units consisting of a   L and manufacture of   matic unloading and sort-
                                                                                                           unit is removed from the
                                                                                                   a mobile unit buffer (MEB-B)
                                                                                                           suction plate without com-
                                                                                                       equipment and machinery
                                                                                                       for fl at glass processing,
                                                                                                           pressing it. Support fi ngers
                                                                                                       has revolutionized logisti-
                                                                                                           located at the bottom and
                                                                                                       cal handling of insulating
                                                                                                       glass units due to a sophis-  side edges prevent the glass
                                                                                                           sheets from slipping. This
                   on show around the world                                                            This logistics solution,   with quality and tolerances.
                                                                                                       ticated handling system.
                                                                                                       which consists of a gan-
                                                                                                       try crane facility (UTS-B)
                                                                                                           PRODUCT QUALITY
                                                                                                       and a mobile unit buffer
                                                                                                       (MEB-B), improves qual-  Fixation of glass sheets on
                                                                                                       ity, saves time, resources   the transport rack MEB-B
                                                                                                       and money.  takes place without com-
                                                                                                       The  automatic  gantry  pression due to individually
                                                                                                       crane facility (UTS-B),   adjustable spacer brackets.
                                                                                                       which is arranged down-  This ensures a high-quality
                                                                                                       stream of a LiSEC sealing   standard of insulating glass
                                                                                                           units - especially with ther-
                                                                                                       machine, is particularly
           78  LandGlass                                                                               of freshly sealed insulat-  LESS TRANSPORT
                                                                                                           moplastic spacers.
                                                                                                       suitable for unstacking
                                                                                                       ing glass units with fi xed
                                                                                                       or fl exible spacer systems,
                                                                                                       with particular advantage
                                                                                                           The transport of insulating
                                                                                                           glass units in upright posi-
                                                                                                       for thermoplastic spacers.
                                                                                                       The glass units are sent
                                                                                                           sible manual unloading in
                                                                                                       out in the direction of the
                                                                                                        improved by auto- 50
                                                                                                       line and rotated from hori-  tion saves space and a pos-
                                                                                                           any order ensures fl exibility.
                                                                                                       zontal to upright position   The MEB-B is always op-
                   strong cooperation; following China’s                                               the mobile buffer system   ible spacers. The number
                                                                                                           timally loaded due to fl ex-
                                                                                                       before being sorted into
                                                                                                       (MEB-B). The mobile unit
                                                                                                           of compartments varies de-
                                                                                                           pending on unit thickness.
                                                                                                       buffer serves for manual or
                                                                                                       automatic unloading, cur-
                                                                                                       ing and transporting of   Loading and packaging is
                                                                                                           easy and fast. The mobile
                                                                                                           unit buffer is optimized for
                   “One Belt , One Road” initiative                     NEW LOGISTICS SOLUTION TO   Continuous development and contact with   Further re-sorting is   truck transports and saves
                                                                                                       insulating glass units.
                                                                                                       therefore no longer
                                                                                                           costs. A truck can be loaded
                                                                                             glassmakers is enabling LiSEC to revolutionize
                                                                                                           with up to 18 fi lled or 36
                                                                                                           empty MEB-Bs.
                                                                        REVOLUTIONIZE INSULATING   the handling of IG units. In this article, the   PRODUCTION   CURING, WITHOUT
                                                                                                       FLOW AND
                                                                                              company shows us how, with a sophisticated
                                                                                                           DIRECTLY ON SITE
                                                                                                           The unit buffers are spe-
                                                                        GLASS HANDLING        handling system, glassworks can not only   The fl ow is signifi cantly   cifi cally designed to allow
                                                                                                           the thermoplastic spacers
                                                                                              improve quality, but also save time, resources
                                                                                                           to cure directly at the unit
                                                                        50 Glass-Technology International 1/2018  and money.  Glass-Technology International 1/2018  51
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