Page 95 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 95

This year’s GPD

                                                            conference is

                                                            looking to be a

                                                            record one even

                                                            just considering            is also about sowing the
                                                                                        seeds for tomorrow. With
                                                            the number of               the time span of more than
                                                                                        two decades the conference
                                                                                        series can make claims for
                                                            presentations.              having laid parts of the
                                                                                        foundation on which we
                                                            Put this together           stand in the industry today.

                                                            with the number             THE 2019 EVENT
                                                                                        The Glass Performance
                                                            of special events           Days (GPD) event in 2019
                                                                                        will celebrate its 27th year
                                                            taking place during         of service to the glass in-
                                                                                        dustry. The technical ses-
                                                                                        sions of the conference and
                                                            the conference,             workshops will address
                                                                                        the challenges the industry
                                                            such as Step Change         faces today regarding the
                                                                                        ever-changing demands on
                                                            and dedicated               City planning, building de-
                                                                                        sign, energy-efficiency and
                                                            Workshops, not to           environmental fit. A special
                                                                                        focus will be on the contri-
                                                                                        bution of new glass tech-
                                                            mention the Expo            nologies to these demands.

                                                            and Networking

                                                            possibilities and it’s

                                                            easy to see that this        That is why our eyes
                                                                                        will be on smart glass!
                                                            glass industry show

                                                            will be special.

                                                                                        The modular program of
                                                                                        the event will consist of the
           among very knowledge-     tages for those attending.  offerings and an exhibi-  following:
           able people with practical   The Glass Performance   tion. These functions are   t        +VOF  8PSLTIPQT
           experience and advanced   Days conferences have a   very important in promot-  t         +VOF   $POGFSFODF
           visions. Thus, they become   tightly controlled schedule   ing the small talk that so   1BSU     QBSBMMFM UFDIOJDBM
           real applications of the in-  over the conference days   often leads to both contin-  sessions each day) and
           dustry much quicker than   to ensure that time is well   ued contacts and creative   Exhibition Part, including
           would otherwise happen.   spent. But the program also   innovations.            the Glass Expo section for
           With today’s clock-speed   leaves room for informal   GPD is not only about ex-  glass glass products, and
           of change this has created   contact activities, and, in   changing information on   the Step Change section
           distinct competitive advan-  GPD Finland, workshop   what is known today. It    for start-up companies.

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