Page 155 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
P. 155

DELTAMAX AUTOMAZIONE Srl                                preview

        hall 5 / stand K09-L10

          People to contact at our stand


          1989-2019: 30 years
          of innovation in glass
          quality control
           2019 represent an impor-
          tant goal for  Deltamax
          Automazione, not only
          because it is the 30th anniver-
          sary of the company, but also
          because it is the starting point
          of the new way of thinking and
          working, in the name of “green
           The latest solution developed
          by Deltamax Automazione,
          named OPT and officially pre-
          sented at Vitrum, represent
          exactly the essence of the theories that aim at energy saving and   the area with defects;
          environmental impact reduction: detecting structural defects in the   -  automatic real time optimization of the plate on the table;
          first stage of the production process enable, in fact, to increase   -  automatic optimization of the whole cutting plan.
          quality and productivity at the same time.
                                                                OPT: advantages
                                                                The innovative solution developed by Deltamax ensures various
           OPT: how it works
           The most important innovation of the solution developed and   advantages, thanks to the early detection of defects. In particular:
          patented by Deltamax Automazione consist in structural defects   -  reduction of the glass area rejected, changing the cutting plan
          (bubbles and inclusions) detection on plate that come from the   and positioning the waste around the defects;
          warehouse, thus with residue on the surface (lucite, dirt, etc.).  -  reduction of energy consumption and machinery wear, avoiding
           In this way it is no longer necessary to install a dedicated wash-  the processing of plates that will be rejected;
          ing machine, thus saving money and space (required for its instal-  -  reduction of the cycle time due to less rejection management.
          lation), two of the most demanding points in a new factory layout.  Of course it is possible to customize the inspection process, set-
           Installed between the loader and the cutting table, OPT acquires   ting the minimum dimension of the defects.
          the images of the glass plate that move inside it, both monolithic   It is important to remember that all these advantages can be
          or laminated, obtaining a map of the detected defects to provide   obtained without washing the glass.
          to the cutting table management software.             OPT is not the only solution developed by Deltamax Automazione
           The management of the detected defects can be carried out in   for the quality control of flat glass: we will be glad to show you our
          different ways, which enable to obtain              complete range of systems.
          an increasing reduction of the whole
          surface of glass that has to be rejected:
          -  display of detected defects directly on
           the cutting plan, allowing the operator
           to find and reject plates with defects;
          -  display of detected defects directly on
           the cutting plan with manual optimi-
           zation: in this case the operator can
           change the position of plates avoiding

                 Via Kufstein, 5
                 z.i. Spini di Gardolo 38121 Trento (TN) - Italy - Tel.: +39-0461-042301
                 Fax: +39-0461-042302 - E-mail:
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