Page 53 - Glass-Technology International no. 5-2018
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most common in the mar-  Since 1957 Bottero has    engineering, can be present   cal result, embodied by the
           ket, most software compa-  been making innovation its   on the market in a curtailed   pureness and transparency
           nies have already developed   mission, investing in R&D   way, serving small and me-  of white and the presence of
           dedicated customized pro-  to maintain its technologi-  dium glass factories but   the letter B. The logo is also
           tocols jointly with Bottero,   cal leadership. This is why   also big industrial implants   an expression of everything
           for hassle-free integration   today, with no whims and   with products capable of   that Bottero represents: in-
           of the optimizers and MES.  with the determination to   producing up to 8 million   novation, dynamism, solid-
           In this fast-changing glass   excel that has always char-  bottles per day.  ity and clarity.
           market, the new challenges   acterized it, Bottero decides   Thanks to its extensive   Rebranding therefore sym-
           for glass fabricators are to   to change, to have a brand   machinery catalogue it can   bolizes the will to show
           keep pace, raising produc-  identity that fully represents   cater for the needs and the   all our stakeholders, cli-
           tivity and staying competi-  its core values and its ability   latest tendencies of all seg-  ents and employees that
           tive. This involves invest-  to innovate.          ments of the market, cov-  our actions are guided by
           ing in new equipment, in   Bottero is the only global   ering for example 100 per   Bottero’s values, grounded
           parallel with rethinking   leader in the world of glass   cent of the European mar-  in our history and leaning
           the workshop organization   technology to operate with   ket for laminated glass and   towards the future.
           towards a leaner model -   both flat and hollow glass.   90 per cent of the global
           where Bottero’s products   However, not all its cus-  market.
           are the perfect solution to   tomers are aware of the   This constitutes both a huge
                                                                                          Bottero SpA
           solve these issues.      potentiality and the scale of    responsibility but also a   Bottero SpA
                                    Bottero’s products. With   great privilege and a badge
           REBRANDING               more than 50,000 instal-  of honour for Bottero.
           The changes in our world   lations over the world, in   This unique feature is ex-
           are deeper than ever, due   over 100 countries, Bottero   pressed in its new logo:
           to the scale and speed of   is the unmissable partner to   the dual identity of Bot-
           digitalization and industri-  produce machines and glass   tero is represented by the
           alization. At the same time,   transformation systems.  two overlapping shapes,   Via Genova 82 - 12100 Cuneo (CN) - Italy
           new technologies challenge   With its unique organiza-  evoking the dual soul of   Tel.: +39 - 0171 - 310611
           us to redefine the way in   tion model, divided into   the firm. The two souls     Fax: +39 - 0171 - 401611
           which we conceive and live   three distinct business units,   are fused together to give   E-mail:
           our lives.               flat glass, hollow glass and   life to a unique technologi-

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