Gauzy is a world leader and vendor of material science and nanotechnology focused on the research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of technologies which are embedded into and onto raw materials. Amongst Gauzy’s core areas of expertise are Liquid Crystals And SPD, which is used to produce LCG® -Light Control Glass.
Research Frontiers Inc. and Israel-based material science company Gauzy Ltd. announced today Gauzy’s second production facility in Stuttgart, Germany to produce SPD-Smart light control film for the entire SPD-SmartGlass industry, including automotive and architectural applications. To commemorate this new factory, Research Frontiers CEO Joseph M. Harary, and Gauzy CEO Eyal Peso rang the opening bell at the Nasdaq Market Site in Times Square on 2 February along with Steven M. Slovak to commemorate his recent promotion to the position of Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Research Frontiers, which is a publicly traded technology company and the developer of patented SPD-Smart light-control film technology which allows users to instantly, precisely and uniformly control the shading of glass or plastic products, either manually or automatically.
Gauzy expects the new facility to be in production within the next six months. The company will host a special invitation-only event for industry professionals, key customers, and media later this year to launch the new production site.