
A.T.I.V. training course 2019 open for registration

The course will address European Legislation, strategies that could be adopted to comply with new regulations along with abatement techniques and best practices for glass manufacturers

In recent years, awareness for the environment has increased. Environmental goals are always more ambitious, and in safeguarding the environment it is necessary that these objectives be achieved.

The consequence is that laws concerning emissions and pollution are becoming more restrictive: the challenge for a glass manufacturer is to respect the law while maintaining quality standards of the glass produced.

In order to reach these goals, it is important to be updated on European Legislation. The IPPC regulations will be replaced in the near future with a new directive for industries and power plants in the European Union, the Industry Emissions Directive (IED).

The state of art of best practices in glass manufacturing for the reduction and monitoring of different pollutants and the topic of combustion optimization will be addressed and explained. The new challenge in glass manufacturing is producing quality glass while being less impactful for the environment.

In the light of above, the course will address European Legislation, its various interpretations and future development. In order to comply with these laws there are many strategies that could be adopted, and these abatement techniques and best practices for glass manufacturer are described in a BAT document, which will be discussed and explained in detail.

An integrated approach, which includes combustion optimization and all the other abatement techniques is necessary and helpful in order to achieve environmental and quality goals.

To register for this training event, taking place November 8 on the Parma University campus, please download the PDF registration form.

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