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Adding Value, Lattuada’s new face

Choosing Lattuada today means choosing a conscious, strong and reliable company that offers concrete answers to everyday needs and never abandons its customers

It all started from a need that Lattuada felt loud and clear: to bring out, even at the level of communication, the evolution that had been taking place within the company for years and to externalise the desire for innovation pursued on a daily basis. The objective was therefore clear: to achieve communication that fully reflected what the company is today, after almost 45 years in business.

But how to achieve this? Through a rebranding process: this is the technically correct name for what has been undertaken. A path that did not only concern pure aesthetics, but also brought out the most intimate aspects of the company, redefining the deepest contents and bringing every single detail of communication to be a true expression of the company. Reliability, experience, professionalism, passion, concreteness, customised answers, continuous research and development: values and wills that represent Lattuada and emphasised in the new image, so that everyone could grasp the essence of the essence at first glance.

The first step of the rebranding activity concerned the company’s logo, from which – following the analysis conducted – the term ‘Adelio’ was eliminated and “Lattuada” was exclusively maintained; a decision taken not to cut bridges with the past but, on the contrary, on the strength of the experience gained over the years, to offer even more essentiality and immediacy.

Just one word, unequivocal, impossible to confuse: Lattuada. Not only: in “Lattuada” there is the exact expression of what the company is, a Family Company; this term is the union between the family and the ownership of the company, a factual reality that will not change and that is a guarantee of security and stability for customers.

Having defined this aspect, a real restyling of the logo was then carried out: a new font and a new pictogram, also respectful of the past but renewed in their essence. The institutional colour remained unchanged, but was flanked by an anthracite grey, with a high visual impact: a chromatic combination of strong contrast that does not leave one indifferent and immediately catches the eye.

A wide range of values emerged from the brand study, the result of the personal relationship with customers and the constant attention paid to them. “Adding Value”. We add value. Machines, automation solutions, innovations add value to the workings of glassmakers all over the world. The value then turns into whatever the customer may want; Lattuada adds customisation, Lattuada adds experience, Lattuada adds innovation, Lattuada adds performance, Lattuada adds timely service, Lattuada adds proximity, Lattuada adds results.

Those who choose a Lattuada know they are ‘adding something’ to their reality. Something positive and unique. The objective, through the pay-off, is to make it clear that Lattuada always offers a solution, for this we are an added value.

The strong desire Lattuada had at the beginning of this journey was to give back to the customer and the glass industry a message of corporate dynamism and continuous quality upgrade, exactly what is pursued every day in the company and which also had to emerge through communication. Lattuada wanted the objective to be clear: to be recognised as excellence. The new image does just that: it transmits the soul of the and conveys desire, aspiration, ambition.

Choosing Lattuada today means choosing a conscious, strong and reliable company that offers concrete answers to everyday needs and never abandons its customers. Choosing Lattuada today means relying on a company that is aware of its potential and values, innovative and avant-garde.

Lattuada, Adding Value

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