Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

AGC: glass sanitary protection screens for shops and open spaces

Compared with existing plastic solutions, safety glass is more transparent and solid, more scratch-resistant and durable

AGC Glass Europe has developed standard safety glass protection screens to be installed in shops or open spaces. Compared with existing plastic solutions, safety glass is more transparent and solid, more scratch-resistant and durable: it doesn’t fade over time or under the effects of alcohol-based detergent.

Glass sanitary protection screens by AGC Belgium

Glass sanitary protection screens by AGC BelgiumThese solutions help to maintain social distancing between members of the work community (employees, customers, etc..), they will therefore contribute to reducing the risk of propagation of viruses such as Covid-19.

These protection screens are available in safety laminated or tempered glass. Both versions are suitable for shops and receptions while the latter is also indicated for open spaces (in clear or matt option). Those solutions exist in standard dimensions and are supplied with fixation material.

More information and contact details for both versions can be found in the product factsheets.

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