Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Ardagh Group: interactive 3D glass packaging experience

Ardagh is about to launch its latest online product catalogue with a lifelike 360° 3D feature

In a time when technological advances have made possible for packaging itself to communicate with consumers, Ardagh Group is using the latest 3D CAD system to let customers interact with its packaging products. Ardagh is about to launch its latest online product catalogue with a lifelike 360° 3D feature allowing us to drag, flip, turn and even look inside each glass container.

Barbara Macialczyk, Marketing Manager at Ardagh Group said, “There’s an expectation that digital technology will enhance the decision-making experience. Customers can play with the new 3D tool to get a feel for the shape and size of each bottle and jar before they think about decoration options. We want to help them visualise their product as it might look on the shelf.”

Ardagh Group Product Design Engineer, Chris Barker, commented: “We work in 3D every day, so it feels right to let our customers experience the same degree of interactivity – even down to the way the light bounces off the glass.”

Around 600 glass bottle and jar designs have been re-modelled in the new, interactive format, which goes live on 17 April.

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