The Bohle Group is set to launch a brand new and innovative Bohle Online Shop at this year’s GlassBuild America, which will be held from September 16 to 18 in Atlanta.
The new shop, expected to be launched in early September, automatically adapts itself to the digital device used. Compatibility ranges from Desktop PCs via tablets of all sizes and shapes to cell phones, with content and product information optimally displayed. This ensures the Bohle Online Shop can be used seamlessly on different devices.
“Apart from the versatility in use, a clear and well though-out presentation was given special emphasis when developing the new Shop“, Dominik Hinzen, Vice-President Marketing and Corporate Communication at Bohle America, explains. “All products can be found quickly and easily and are clearly arranged. The user immediately orients himself intuitively”, Hinzen said.
“Our booth design at GlassBuild will be completely dedicated to our new online shop“, says Gareth Francey, Vice-President at Bohle America. “Our booth aims at linking our analogous product worlds to our new digital Bohle Online Shop. Additional information about all products which are presented at the booth is made available via QR Codes on the customers’ cell phones or the tablets provided on site.“ The new online shop can be experienced on different digital devices at the Bohle booth, and all visitors to the booth will be given a code that entitles them to a discount on their first online purchase.
The launch of this new shop forms part of a relaunch at an international scale, which sees the German-based Bohle Group further expanding its growing online business.