Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

British Glass is calling for seminar presentations

Funding decarbonisation and energy efficiency in the glass industry.

British Glass is calling for seminar presentations, based on practical examples of large manufacturing businesses securing funding for improvement in energy efficiency and carbon reduction, for a one-day glass industry event in November 2017.

The UK glass industry is pursuing an active programme on energy efficiency and decarbonisation. But building the business case to secure funds remains a barrier. Capital costs can be very high and paybacks periods are often in excess of two years; traditional loans are usually unattractive for this work.

British Glass is organising a one-day seminar on funding for decarbonisation and energy efficiency work on Thursday 2 November (north of England, venue TBC) – which will be attended by British Glass members’ and non-members.

The programme will seek to provide applicable and commercially relevant insight – and British Glass wants to hear from potential presenters who have successfully implemented energy and carbon reduction projects in large-scale manufacturing (in any relevant sector) by securing funds from:

  • financial arrangements between manufacturers and equipment/service providers grants
  • Green Investment Bank or similar
  • novel approaches such as crowdfunding
  • other public or private investment arrangements.

Submit a presentation proposal
Presenters will have the opportunity to share their knowledge with the UK’s glass manufacturers and other key stakeholders; they will get free entry to the full seminar day as well as having their information included on pre- and post-event communications. The programme will include opportunities for discussion, networking and one-to-one conversation with key staff in glass manufacturing – including energy and environmental managers, project development leads and finance managers.

Anyone wishing to submit a presentation proposal should do so by Friday 28 July 2017.

This event forms part of the work under the UK glass sectors Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency action plan. It follows on from the successful Waste heat recovery seminar run in November 2016 – attended by more than 40 specialists from across the glass industry, academia and policy – including Zippe, Air Liquide, Area Impianti, PraxAir, Knowledge Transfer Network and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

This seminar is being organised by British Glass’ under the work of its Environment and Energy Committee, which works to make the UK glass industry sustainable and competitive for the future. The committee, which meets three times a year, is made up of representatives from across the British Glass membership, and supported by British Glass subject experts.

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