Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Conference on Glass Problems: registration open for 74th edition

This year will be the 74th edition of the Conference on Glass Problems, which will feature lectures and panel discussions from industry experts, as well as technical symposia, short courses, exhibits and social events.

The Glass Manufacturing Industry Council and Alfred University announce the 74th Conference on Glass Problems (GPC), taking place 14-17 October 2013 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. This year’s conference features industry experts giving lectures and panel discussions, as well as technical symposia, short courses, exhibits and social events.
The 74th GPC GPC attracts glass manufacturers and suppliers worldwide to exchange innovations and solutions for the manufacturing of all glass types. Topics cover glass melting, process control, modelling, refractories, safety, energy efficiency and emissions control, as well as, batch, recycling and raw materials. Those who register by 16 September will be able to take advantage of early-bird pricing.
The event will also include One-Day Symposia and Short Courses, including:
EPA Energy Star/GMIC Joint Energy Symposium – Energy Productivity as a Competitive Edge in Glass Manufacturing, taking place Monday, 14 October 14, Noon to 17:00.
Current Topics in Glass Melting Air Emissions & Control Technologies, Thursday, 17 October 8:00 a.m. – 16:00.
There will also be short courses on Monday, 14 October 14:
Fundamental of Batch and Furnace Operation, Noon to 17.00, C. Philip Ross
Phenomena in Industrial Glass Melting Processes, Noon to 17.00, Ruud Beerkens PhD
Graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to apply for one of the 20 travel grants available for the 74th GPC. Each grant consists of USD 850 in travel funds, plus complimentary student registration. Those who wish to apply can do so by submitting a 1-2 page CV and a statement describing how the conference will benefit them. Applications must be sent to Donna Banks by 1 September 2013.
Hotel reservations can be made for the Hilton Columbus Downtown by contacting the hotel at 614-384-8600, mentioning the 74th GPC to receive the special rate of USD 149. Online reservations will open soon.
Exhibit space can be reserved by contacting Patricia Janeway at (614) 794-5826.

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