Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Corning® Gorilla® Glass to Be Used In SnapCab® Elevator Interior Systems

New uses are being found for Corning Incorporated’s Gorilla® Glass beyond its original purpose of protecting consumer electronic devices from scratches and bumps. SnapCab® Elevator Interior Systems has signed a deal with Corning to use Gorilla® Glass in modular wall-panel systems for residential and commercial elevators

Corning Incorporated announced 6 February 2014 a commercial agreement with SnapCab® Elevator Interior Systems for thin, lightweight, durable Corning® Gorilla® Glass. SnapCab will design Gorilla Glass into its modular wall-panel systems, which are used in residential and commercial elevators. The same Gorilla Glass that has helped protect handheld electronic devices will now be used in interior architecture to enable new lightweight designs for elevator cabs, lobbies, and conference rooms.
“The benefits of Gorilla Glass now extend beyond consumer electronics to offer SnapCab and their customers a unique architectural product that will enable true color match,” said Henry Dunnenberger III, business director, Corning Innovative Glass Solutions. “Gorilla Glass is also lightweight, allowing new and refurbishment designs to operate within tight elevator weight budgets. And because our glass is highly scratch-resistant and durable, it can help protect modular wall systems from everyday bumps. We are excited to work on this opportunity with SnapCab.”
“Integrating Gorilla Glass into our modular elevator system delivers a truly unique product,” said Glenn Bostock, chief executive officer of SnapCab Elevator Interior Systems. “The durability of Gorilla Glass combined with our easy-to-install system, saves our customers time and money, while providing a look that cannot be duplicated with traditional architectural glass.”
Corning Gorilla Glass was originally introduced to help protect consumer electronics from the scratches, bumps, and damage of everyday use. It has been designed into more than 2,400 product models, and is used in 2 billion devices by 33 major brands. Applications beyond consumer electronics include household appliances, automotive, architecture, rail, and aviation.

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