Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Durst to introduce Rho Vetrocer at Vitrum 2015

Durst will introduce its Rho Vetrocer, the digital glass printer of the next generation, at Vitrum 2015 in Milan.

Due to the continuing development of its inkjet technology, Durst says it is now in a position to meet Vitrum’s vision statement, ‘Anything is possible in the future of glass’.
The Durst Rho Vetrocer will enable the usage of ceramic inks for digital printing, to quickly and conveniently and without set-up time print glass fronts, glass doors, divider walls for kitchens and glass frames. The product offers tremendous creative potential for glass applications with high print quality and stability of printed images.
The new Rho Vetrocer includes an innovative media transport system, featuring suction cups located on the deck. The glass is registered with extreme precision for the print and curing process and then returned to the starting position to carry out one unique double vision or multilayer print process. Another innovation is the inclusion of surface sensors, allowing precise positioning of round shaped glass.
‘In many fields of application, Durst is the leading supplier of industrial print systems for the digital decoration of surfaces ‘, said Dr. Richard Piock, president of the Durst Phototechnik AG board of directors. ‘With our new Business Unit, Durst Industrial Inkjet Applikation GmbH in Lienz, we adapted the inkjet technology to glass printing, in order to eliminate any potential limitations, which affect traditional print processes, and to offer new application options, runs, styles and effects with the glass media. Our vertical integration will enable us, to successfully approach complex glass printing challenges. Vitrum 2015 is a great opportunity for us to present the new options featured by our Rho Vitrocer. To us the slogan becomes: ‘The glass future is now and we are making it happen.’
The Durst Industrial Inkjet application team will be available at Vitrum 2015 in Hall 24, stand P10 for more information.

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