Falorni Tech Glass Melting Technology

Fenzi China growth continues in 2013

Fenzi and the Glass Alliance were present at the recent edition of China Glass, with the latest developments in their product range regarding spacers, warm edge technology, insulating glass, mirror backing paints, ceramic enamels and cold paints.

Fenzi’s facility in China had all its products on display at the recent China Glass 2013, where visitors could see its latest developments along with those of the Glass Alliance network.
Chromatech Ultra attracted considerable attention. The first hybrid spacer bar by Alu-pro and Rolltech, made of stainless steel and special plastic mixes, is a testament to recent developments in the Chinese market where there has been a sharp rise in the demand for warm edge technology. In response to this need, Fenzi China Paints and Sealants Company Limited upgraded its insulating glass division, which was already selling Thiover and Butylver, by introducing a dedicated work team for warm edge technology, and especially for the market launch of Chromatech Ultra.
Fenzi’s traditional products also gathered interest. These were the first to win over the Asian market and are still selling well: starting with the Duralux mirror backing paints, the first Fenzi product to be exported to China, to the Tempver ceramic enamels and the Glassolux range of cold paints, where demand is strongly driven by the ongoing growth of the Chinese furniture industry.
“Fenzi China Paints and Sealants Company Limited, the manufacturing and commercial center that was inaugurated in 2006, continues to post increased business results in every area – confirmed Stefano Pozzi, the General Manager of the group’s branch in China – From here we can serve an ideal catchment area that spans from China to South East Asia and customers have shown that they very much appreciate the potential of our products; which is why I think we’ll have a good 2013.”

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